Homeless people

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(of a person) without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets. synonyms: without a roof over one's head, on the streets, vagrant, sleeping rough, living rough

People don't have homes. People don't have the pleasure of warmth, food or the feeling of comfort. They're out on the streets, carrying all their minor belonging in bags or trolleys. I'm not talking about the people out in Africa. I'm talking about the people around our cities. Our homes. There are constant ads about the people in Africa, but have you once seen an ad about homeless people in our cities? Are the government still clinging onto the idea that they're perfect? News flash, that's not true. Sure, the numbers of homeless people are going down, but with over 100 million people on the streets, it's hard to believe that it's going to be happening anytime soon. I'm almost positive people are going to talk about the 1 billion people in africa, hate on me and all that. and I don't want you to think I don't care. Of course I do. But a lot of others do too, so what's the point of talking about something others would have already done. so instead of talking about the billion people over there, I'm talking about another problemo barely addressed.

On a single night in January 2013, there were 610,042 people experiencing homelessness in the United States, including 394,698 people who were homeless in sheltered locations and 215,344 people who were in un sheltered locations.
Nearly one-quarter (23 percent or 138,149) of all homeless people were children, under the age of 18. Ten percent (or 61,541) were between the ages of 18 and 24, and 67 percent (or 410,352) were 25 years or older

How much do the numbers have to increase and the ages decrease for people to start taking notice? Humanity is going down the drain and it seems that the people with nothing have the most of it. People are to scared to get involved, or to absorbed in their own life to take a good look around and help the people who aren't asking for much at all. Spare change so they can eat something from a fast food store instead of a dumpster or trash can. I live in a place where there is barely any homeless people, so I can't do anything to help. But can you?

Have you ever had an experience with helping a homeless person?

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