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A cliché or cliche is an expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect, even to the point of being trite or irritating, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel.

Oh the lovely thing that is a cliché. We've all read them, all wrote them, and most importantly, all hated them. Admit it, clichés are boring and predictable. I can't stand them! The most popular ones that I've read, go from a range of categories. Wether it be about being kidnapped by a vampire, being the alphas mate, to being the quiet nerd bullied by the barbie and catching the eye of the badboy. That one, I'm sure, we've all read. But I mean, come on! If you're going to write, at least writing something that's original. Something new! And when was the last time you've read a book about the main character being the mate of a normal wolf? And how can a girl love a vampire who kidnapped her? GURLS, GET A GOD DAMN GRIP!!

Clichés are spread in every crook and crany of wattpad, it's like they're slowly taking over! Sure, once the stories where amazing, but now it's like everyone's writing about them. If you don't understand what I'm saying, think of it this way. We've all had that one song that we love, and we play it nonstop until it becomes annoying. And then when ever it comes on, it's like 'not this crap again'. It's the same deal with books! It get so annoying that you just scoff when ever you see anything remotely similar.

there are some out there that you just have to think: is this person for real...? It's so bad that you just, can't read it anymore. Everything becomes expected and it's no fun the read. And then they have the nerve to say 'oh, don't steal my idea' GURL WHAT IDEA WAS THERE TO STEAL!? It's stuff that you would use whilst playing imagination with you friends when you were young 'oh, I'm an angel and I have every power imaginable, I can also change into a mermaid' ...just read that sentence. Let it sink in. Yeah, I've actually read something like that. It drives me bonkers.

What's your opinion guys? Do you like clichés? Does it get you as upset as me?

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