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Bus Stops and Butterflies



The day passed swiftly for Dahee as she lazed around, alone at home, eagerly anticipating the plans she had later in the day. As the clock struck 12, she began to prepare herself, though she wasn't entirely sure for what. Hang out? she mused to herself, considering the possibilities.

As she rummaged through her closet, she debated on what to wear.

"A dress?" she pondered before dismissing the idea, concerned it might not suit the occasion.

"Pants with a t-shirt?" she considered but found it too plain for her liking.

"Leggings?" she thought, but ultimately decided against them.

Frustrated, Dahee whined and flopped onto her bed. She regretted spending so much time deciding on her outfit.

"I'll just go with what I had in mind," she resolved, nodding to herself.

After a thirty-minute internal debate, she finally settled on an outfit: a cream-colored turtleneck sweater tucked into shorts with loose long sleeves. It was a simple yet comfortable choice.

"Done," she smiled, admiring her reflection in the mirror.

Her phone chimed, signaling a message from Jaemin.

From: Na Jaemin

Heyyy, I'll be a little late, maybe 15 minutes. Gotta run errands for mom.

It's okay! Haven't even gotten up from my bed yet, haha.

I'll make it quick so better get ready now!
See u later Dahee! :3

See you!

She slouched in her desk chair and sighed, realizing she had forgotten to brush her teeth. She quickly did so, feeling a mix of excitement and exhaustion from only getting four hours of sleep. While waiting for Jaemin, she decided to get a bit of rest.


Jaemin arrived at his house, holding tightly onto the plastic bags containing his mom's groceries. He called out to his mom.

"Eomma! Your groceries are here! I'll go now! Can I take the car?" Jaemin shouted while setting the bags down.

"Jaemin you don't have a license yet!"

"Right," he sighed, opting to walk instead. As he made his way to Dahee's house, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous, his hands becoming clammy. He glanced down at his outfit, a simple t-shirt paired with a coat and black jeans, unsure if he gone overboard or not enough.

"Just treat it like hanging out with friends," he reassured himself, trying to calm his nerves. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of Dahee's door, about to knock.


Meanwhile, Dahee stood on the other side of the door, hesitating. Part of her wanted to make up an excuse to cancel their plans, but she felt guilty for even considering it. With a pout, she took a deep breath and opened the door to find Jaemin standing there, his fist raised as if to knock again.

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