ch ; 12 🌂

723 31 17


Morning Mayhem


Dahee woke up to the sun's gentle rays streaming through her window. As she stretched, she couldn't help but consider investing in thicker curtains or rearranging her room to avoid the morning glare. Her gaze landed on Gayoung, who was slumbering against the wall. Dahee noted the slightly open window and the displaced curtain.

"You put on a tough act leaving the house yesterday, but here you are back by morning," Dahee teased, her voice laced with amusement.

She approached Gayoung and lightly shook her to ensure she was alright. Gayoung stirred, scratching her jaw as she tried to fend off Dahee's touch.

"Gayoung, wake up," Dahee urged, gently shaking her again.

With a sudden jolt, Gayoung snapped awake, turning towards Dahee with a dazed expression.

"Hi~" she slurred, a strange smile tugging at her lips.

Dahee couldn't help but find Gayoung's behavior odd.

"Did you drink? You're only fifteen!" Dahee's maternal instincts kicked in, her tone stern.

"Just a sip. Paaaarty!" Gayoung replied, gesturing wildly with her hands. "Shh! Boom! So hush~."

Rolling her eyes, Dahee lifted Gayoung's limp form and settled her onto the bed. She then descended the stairs in search of water and painkillers, noticing her mother's absence with mixed feelings of relief and concern. After retrieving what she needed, Dahee returned upstairs to find Gayoung sleeping soundly. She placed the medication and a glass of water on the bedside table before reaching for her phone, which began to ring.

"Hey—" Dahee began, only to be interrupted.

"We're coming over!" Minseo's voice exclaimed from the other end of the line.

"Sure—" Dahee replied, before hanging up and noticing a message from Jaemin.

From: Na Jaemin
No need to reply, but I hope you have a wonderful day!
:D hehe,
the message read.

Dahee smiled at the message before powering off her phone and tucking it into her pocket. The doorbell rang, and she hurried downstairs to greet Minseo.

"I missed you!" Minseo exclaimed, enveloping Dahee in a tight hug.

"We saw each other recently," Yeji interjected, taking a seat on the couch.

Dahee was about to respond when Yeji shot her a warning glare.

"Have you eaten yet?" Dahee asked, changing the subject.

"Not yet!" Minseo replied eagerly, raising her hand.

"I haven't either," Yeji added, lounging on the couch with her legs propped up.

"Well, you're in luck. I'll whip up something," Dahee offered with a grin.

As Dahee cooked breakfast, her specialty- egg rolls, Minseo eagerly watched, while Yeji remained preoccupied with her phone. Soon, they were all seated at the table, and Dahee nervously awaited Minseo's verdict on her cooking.

"It might not be as good as Mr. Lim's, but I gave it my best shot," Dahee remarked, holding her breath.

After taking a bite, Minseo's face lit up with delight.

"It's delicious!" she exclaimed, much to Dahee's relief.

Dahee grinned, proud of her culinary success, and snapped a quick photo of the meal to share online. Just as she posted the picture, Gayoung stumbled into the room, looking disheveled and already in her pajamas. Dahee felt her irritation rising.

"Don't think you're off the hook for drinking underage," Dahee scolded, glaring at Gayoung.

"You drank?!" Yeji exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise.

"You should've invited me," Yeji remarked casually, earning a reproachful look from Dahee.

"Don't encourage her," Dahee chided Yeji, shooting her a warning glance.

"If only Yeji unnie were my older sister," Gayoung mused, eliciting a sharp reaction from Dahee.

"What did you say?" Dahee demanded, her voice tinged with warning.

Yeji leaned in closer to Gayoung, her tone ominous.

"You better run," she whispered.

Gayoung's eyes widened in realization as she made a hasty retreat, with Dahee hot on her heels.


Chapter 12, a filler update. Gosh Gayoung is
such a rebel but don't hate her,
she's secretly a sweetheart (where? kidding)


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