"Still remember this face?"

I giggled and pulled out from Taehyung and ran to him. Hugging him tight and said.

"Of course! Why would I not when you have a face like that"

"Now that's nice to hear from someone actually appreciates true beauty"

He said sticky out his tongue at Taehyung while I laughed and shook my head.

"Ah, you never change do you Jiminie?"

He laughed and ruffled my haired said.

"Well I wouldn't say I would never change, someday someone's gonna change me and you won't even recognize me"

"Really? And who might this someone be?"

"My first love of course"

Rolling my eyes I giggled and said.

"Yup still the same cheesy little mochi"


Shinhye gasps as she pointed somewhere behind as I looked and just there standing by the door of the rooftop, Jungkook stood there hand-shaped into a fist and a dark and angry expression was on his face

Gasping I bid my goodbyes to the 4 of them and ran after Jungkook who just walked out of the rooftop angry and pissed

Running into the halls I stopped and took a breather, I looked around to find my Jungkook he wasn't in either of the hallways

Running towards the school's parking lot I saw him walking fast just about to reach the car when u ran as fast as I could and held him from getting into the car and also catching my breath

After my breathing became stabled I went in front of Jungkook as he turned to the opposite than when I went to his front he turned to the opposite side again

Furrowing my eyebrows in frustration I grabbed his shoulders and made him turn in my direction, seeing him pouting I chuckled and smiled and hugged him laying my head in his chest as I said.

"Can my bunny tell me why he's upset?"

I said looking to his face while he turned to the side again, sighing in frustration I grabbed his head with both my hands and made him stare at me while I said.

"I said, will bunny tell me why he's upset?"

He wanted to turn to his side again and avoid me but stopped him as he sighed and looked at me pouting even more and said.

"Are you seeing someone else?"

Gasping in the great offense I let go of him and said.

"Do you really think I'm that kind of girl?"

"No! It's just....I saw you hugging one of the two boys there while smiling like how you smile with me...so I thought..."

"That I replaced you?"

He nodded and looked down, chuckling I hugged him again while he hugged me too as I said while I laid my head on his chest.

"Bunny I would never do that, and why would I want another boyfriend when your already the full package. Your nice, kind, sweet, loving, caring, thoughtful and the cheesiest boyfriend"

He laughed at the part while I did too, then I looked at him and he looked down on me as I said.

"I love you Jungkook and I always will so stop thinking about these negative thoughts cause none of them are true. Okay?"

He nodded and smiled and hugged while I hugged him and smiled, but then a thought came into mind as I smirked and said.

"Wait a minute...if you....wait were you jealous?"

I then felt Jungkook freeze as I looked up and his eyes were wide as I laughed out loud as I heard him say.

"Aw~ I wasn't~!"

"Haha-Oh my lord you were jealous!!"

"No, I wasn't~"

Laughing I hugged him tight and laid my head back on his chest as I said.

"Ahh I love you my bunny"

"I love you too my baby"

~Remember To~

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