Part 20

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forests pov 

I woke up today by Teegan forcefully shaking me and Sean shoving pancakes in front of my face. I could get used to this if it wasn't for the excessive shaking. I take a few seconds to compose myself and slowly everything becomes less blurry and I can hear Dex screaming that I'm going to be late if I don't wake up, I also start to notice how everything aches: my arms, legs, head, stomach and bones. it almost hurts. I doubt its because of Teegans some what forceful way of waking me up, I think my body has finally caught up to how my brains felt for months. slowly, I let out a strained moan and shove my face back into my pillow. while the pancakes smell nice and its refreshing to be woken up by people I know, I cant help but give in to the comforting feeling of my cool pillow. 

"forest, you have that therapist thing to go to today, eat your food like dad said and be happy you get another week of school." when Charlie says it like that, a week of school and a stranger to listen to my inner most emotions doesn't sound to bad. I hear what sound like a plate being placed on my bed side table and then four pairs of shoes shuffling out the door. I let out a sigh of relief before realizing they've probably figured out a more efficient way to get me out of bed, well this comfort was short lived. my whole body shivers as I throw off my covers and stretch. I probably don't have time for a shower this morning, shame, my deodorant smells rank. the pancakes to the side of me  call my name and I give in to the temptation. I would normally brush my teeth first thing but lets be honest, toothpaste kind of ruins breakfast.

just as I'm about to finish my plate, I see someone's head poke round the corner an then disappear, they were planning something, I knew it. Slowly, Charlie and Teegan walk back into my room with an almost sad expression on their faces, it didn't look serious though. Maybe their still planning something. should I run? hit them first? just wait and let them be victorious. nah. I settle on looking at them wide eyed and worried. I wonder if they took the hint. nothing appeared to have changed and their still approaching. Gripping my plate in anticipation, my eyes dart between the bathroom door and my brothers coming closer...what's about to happen? this tension is going to kill me before they do.

"Your lucky you got up, we were going to us the bucket of water method. shame really, we where looking forward to it." there was excitement lingering in Teegans voice and he sounded to happy for that to be the end of his sentence. I should run, I should hide, I should fight...nope my body is apparently just gonna stay here looking at them doe eyed. He continued while still approaching, arms stretched in front of him. Charlie had mimicked his actions...oh no. "its not like we cant have any fun though" just as they both leaped and made connection with my sides, dad called from downstairs and ordered us to the kitchen. my hero. I slip between the disappointed figures and bound downstairs, this is a good day: pancakes for breakfast and escaping my brothers torture practices, perfect.

as I get to the kitchen, dad embraces me in a side hug and ruffles my hair. All of a sudden I feel the overwhelming feeling of sadness. its like I've just been hit by a wave of despair and I'm being sucked under by the tides,  this is where I want to be. who I want to be with. I haven't been hugged like this in months, mum might be de- she might be... I feel uncontrollable sobs escape my body and I collapse to the floor hugging myself. I don't have a mum. my life's going to be normal. I don't know if I'm happy or sad. what if these are the last happy years I'm going to get? should I even be here? maybe it would have been better of if id stayed with mum, I could've helped. what if she needs me now?

dads pov

I watch as Forest leaps down the stairs with the widest smile I've seen that kid have in a long time. I hope my boys stay happy, I don't want them being corrupted by the world, Charlie is already picking up societies toxic masculinity 'boys don't cry' attitude. I grab forest I a hug and ruffle his hair. I watch as his smile drops and tears grow in his eyes. what have I done? should I not have touched him? was I to rough? is this a flashback or something? he slides down the closest wal to us and wraps his arms around himself before sobs escape his mouth. his face is buried in his arms. what do I do? 

"Forest buddy, look at me. please, I didn't mean to hurt you. Im not going to touch you I promise. Your safe its okay." I'm sat in front of the sobbing kid trying my hardest not to pull him into a hug. I don't think he can hear me. I don't know what's happening. I can feel the boys next to me, there probably just as confused as I am. im so glad therapy is today, after technically being kidnapped by his mother, he apparated to the top of the waiting list and hassar, it couldn't of happened at a better time. "okay, focus on my voice and try to repeat what I'm saying okay?" I start saying random phrases, I have no idea if this is going to work, I just have to get him to focus on me. after a few minutes I start to hear muffled replies. He doesn't need a therapist, im great at this. then again I did make him breakdown in the first place.

hello, I kind of forced myself to write this chapter so its probably not amazing. its also almost two in the morning and I have three other stories to update and a huge history project so sorry it ended abruptly. I hope you all have a good day/night

jay <3  (I cant get emojis on my laptop)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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