Part 19

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Charlie, Dexton, Teegan, Sean

Charlies pov

I don't remember much of the lecture. actually I don't remember any of it. I was half asleep when dad woke me up and I think I fell asleep halfway something about him being disappointed with us. truth be told that was the first decent sleep id had in a while and I think all the boys would prefer to just stay in bed but alas, its Wednesday and we have school. dad is taking a day of work to call someone and take care of forest. we all hugged the kid goodbye and set of for a very boring day. not a word has been said. Dexton looks really shaken up and everyone else looks hungover, we didn't drink much last night so it must just be stress. either way we don't look good and someone's going to notice so happy faces. we have to be happy.

"alright lads, smiles on faces, energetic attitude and annoying the teachers. none of this sad façade, were tough remember? think about all the crap Stevie got when he cried about his dog dying? boys can't be sad." I know that's a horrible thing to say but its true. in our society there's to much judgement for us to cry. emotionless. I watch as Teegan and Sean painfully smile as I follow suit but Dex continues to stare at the ground. This kids gonna be ripped to shreds if he continues like this. its sad but its true and I'm not having it. A tear falls down his face before he wipes it away, slowly moves his head until his eyes meet mine and he smiles. this is physically painful. 

before I can hug anyone I notice our usual group of 7 friends wander over. I say our, really only Teegan, Sean and I hang out with them. Dex has his own mates who are two years younger. sometimes I forget he's younger than me sometimes. he got much less annoying when the twerp started becoming aware. when he nocked over my drinks, smashed my favourite cup or when mum and dad paid attention to him only or when didn't listen to me. its hard to love someone when there only personality is being young. I cant wait till forest grows up and I can actually talk to him. and I know I seem like a horrible brother but you cant blame me for getting mad at him when he breaks my things or turns mum against me. 

"Charlie? oi dickhead we've been standing here talking to you lot for three minutes and you haven't said a word." what? oh yeas, I'm meant to be interacting with people. I notice Dex has gone and Lexie Is here. oh god. the lads know about my crush, that must be why she's here. Lexie is the prettiest girl at school and funny but nice. we havn't spoken much but I may or may not be falling head over heals for her. right now for example she's wearing a pretty blue crop top and black ripped jeans, she has pretty curly brown hair and is quite tall standing at 5'8ish. she notices me staring and smiles. 

"sorry lads, and lady" I wink at her, gross and bold move I know but i've got to make her notice me somehow. "I just had the best sleep ever and id prefer to be in bed than school." if they think im tired then maybe they'll leave me alone because i'm really not in the mood. don't get me wrong I love hanging out with the boys but sometimes the constant happy attitudes wear me out. this aint the place to bring your problems, this is a place for a laugh and messing around. and there is no one who has the guts to change that.

"alright, if your feeling so tired, how about you and Lex can hang back and talk" Oh fuck them.

forests pov

yelling probably wasn't what id have preferred to have been woken up by however I was in a very comfortable bed so it evens out. I remember looking around and seeing a very annoyed Dex on the floor and Charlie almost shooting out of bed. right now dads driving me to the ER so I can get healthy and then he said I have to talk to the police. Dex, Teegan, Charlie and Sean might kill me when I get back. they never act like they like me so I'm not sure how they'll react tonight. I told dad that I wanted to go to school but he refused. I'm going to be so behind by the end of this, I've missed almost half a year of school. 

we pull up to the ER and as we step out dad was put in hand cuffs. what is happening? im then snatched from the car and put on a stretcher, there like 20 different people all In police uniforms and dads sitting on the ground in handcuffs being interrogated. are they going to hurt him? why is he being taken away from me? 

"its alright kid your safe. just relax I know yoyr confused but everything will be explained"

"first of all id be a lot safer with dad, second of all I'm not going to relax and I know full well your not going to explain this to me so if you could stop lying to me and take me back, that would be much appreciated" that's a lot of big words. the tall people ignore me and my attempts at getting of the hammock thing. they should start listening . I obey my though and begin screaming bloody murder until people start panicking and waving to people behind them.

skip six hours

"and then I started screaming because I thought it would make them bring over dad which it did. then people started to listen to me and then the boring stuff" Charlie, his friend and Dex look at me astonished. then Dex begins laughing. there not mad at me? they normally get mad at me over anything so this is positive. Charlie smiles and then tells me and Dex to leave him alone. I don't know all the technical details but right now I'm under custody of dad until they can find mum and question her. dad keeps forcing me to eat and drink so its not half bad.

"race to the kitchen" before I even comprehend what was said, Dex began to run. I jumped forward and jumped onto his legs before I started running. Dex, whose now on the ground, grabs my ankles before tickling me. I shrieked as I started to feel suffocated by laughter. I'm home, just like I wanted.

sorry again for the delayed update, I was very busy with work and friends. can anyone remember forests age? I cant find it anywhere. in fact I cant find any of their ages.

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