2 - Lovers

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Both Tharn and Type started to meet almost every weekend. Even though both were opposite in personality and their beliefs, strangely they got attracted to each other more and more.

By the time they realized, both had feelings and were inseparable. Tharn always found excuses to meet Type. They hanged out together a lot and learnt many things about each other.

There were many people who warned Type to not hang out with Tharn has he was known as famous psycho. But Tharn never showed his angry face to Type and always maintained his manners.

It wasn't forced, Type being around him made him behave well.

As they spent time together, their feelings got stronger. Type was constantly being told from his friends to not to get involved with Tharn, because everyone knew about him being famous nutshell.

After the second round of seminar in which Tharn got first prize, they planned to party where Tharn was staying. Both new that party was just an excuse to meet again.

Tharn's presentation made Type fall for him more. His ideas, his way of thinking everything is different from a normal human being. It made him wonder how he can be so different yet perfect.

They have been contacting each other from the first round of their seminar and meeting at every chance they get. They have been inseparable, and any could tell that these two boys have fallen for each other even though they were trying hard to conceal it.

Both Type and Tharn walked out of the venue after the results were announced. Type was congratulating Tharn repeatedly. Love and adoration were dripping from his eyes and heart. Type had already fallen in the hole of love to deep and there is no way to bring him back.

There were not many options left for hm. Suffocation to death or loving Tharn forever.

Type promised to meet Tharn at night as they planned to for the party. As always Type was on time at Tharn's place with snacks and booze.

"Hey Tharn"

"Hi Typee, you are on time again"

"Haha, I just don't like being late. This is Techno, my roommate"

"Hello Techno, Type always talks about you"

"I bet he talks nothing about me"

"You know him so well"

All the three laughed and arranged everything. It was only three of them, and they planned to watch a movie and get drunk.

Type sat in the middle of Tharn and Techno. When he checked last on Techno, he was already drunk and fell asleep even before the movie started. Type helped him to sleep on the sofa and covered him.

Both started watching the movie leaving the one who wanted to watch it badly. Techno picked the movie, so obviously it was romantic.

Tharn slowly shifted to Type's side and held his hands when the romantic scene was going on. They clasped their hands, even though eyes were on the movie, their concentration was all on their hands.

Tharn brought strong alcohol today as he knew Techno gets drunk easily. Even though he didn't hate Type's friend, he wanted to spend more time with Type and let him know feelings.

As expected, Techno slept. So Tharn's line was clear and all he should do is to wait until movie completes. After an hour or two, movie ended but they didn't let go of their hands. Type's ears were red, and he was blushing.

Tharn was shy too but he was not good at controlling his expressions.

Both were little drunk now; they didn't consume much. Maybe being in love makes you drunk.

After some time, Type went to balcony with his drink. A cool breeze welcomed him. Tharn followed and both stood there enjoying he night view.

"It's beautiful"

"Yes, it is indeed" Tharn answered.

For him Type was more beautiful.



"I like you"

"Sorry what?" Type thought he miss heard him.

"I like you Type. I have liked you from the first day we met. You are different from all the human beings I have ever met. I want to spend time with you. I want to share everything with you, and I want you to be part of my life"

Tharn being straight forward was making Type blush more. His ears and cheeks were red as if someone painted on him.

"I like you too Tharn" that's all came out of Type's mouth and that was more than enough for Tharn.

He was stressed and worried about Type rejecting him. He wonders why such a good guy will like a bad guy like Tharn. He never expects anything good from others as he was never good to anyone but with Type, everything makes him nervous and he thinks too much before taking any step.

Tharn slowly held Type's hands and pulled him. both were staring intently, and their lips were an inch apart.

Tharn slowly held at Type's neck and pulled him towards him and their lips touched. It felt magical and right. Type hugged his new lover and pressed against his lips.

Type's rosy lips were doing things to Tharn, he slowly bit his lips which gave him access to Type's mouth. He loved how his mouth tasted. Type let Tharn control the kiss and he hugged him tighter.

They stood there kissing each other and hugging as if world will fall apart if they let go of each other. Night was still young, and the two young boys were having the best time of their life without realizing there was an audience for their romantic moments.



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