3 - Breakup?

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Tharn and Type have been dating for a month now and no one knows except Techno. They have been meeting in weekends as it was the only time, they were free as their weekdays are full of theory and lab classes.

Even though they spend most of the time talking on phones and chatting. Its not the same as they meet. They plan well and spend time together for whole day so that they don't miss too much for whole week.

They usually go for a movie and have lunch/dinner and spend most of their time in Tharn's hotel room. Techno always make fun of him for booking hotel and at this rate he should come and live with Type.

Another week passed.

They planned to meet at a café near Type's college and decided to make plans. Tharn got up little late which caused him to arrive an hour late. When he reached, he searched for Type, but he was nowhere to be seen.

He tried calling him, but he wasn't picking his phone at the same time Techno called him. This is not the first time he is calling today; he has been ignoring his calls for whole day.

This is not the first time for Techno to irritate Tharn. If he is free, then all he does was calling Tharn and spitting nonsense. Tharn finally picked his call to ask if he has seen Type.

"Did anyone die that you had to give so many miss calls. If someone isn't picking up, then that means they are busy"

"I know Tharn but"

"But what Techno. Stop irritating me with useless talks and tell me where Type is"

"Type is in hospital. He got into an accident"

"Accident? Is he injured badly? Where is he now?"

"Calm down Tharn. It was a small accident, and he is getting treated now and he is fine. So, don't worry"

"Tell me where you are now"

"We are in XCY hospital"

"Okay I'm coming now" Tharn hung up and started to hospital.

He reached within 10 minutes as hospital was nearby. When he entered the room Type was resting, someone was helping him to sit and their faces were too near and from the back anyone could say they were kissing.

Tharn entered room making some noise which made the two people apart. He was fuming with angry and punched the guy who was hugging Type.

At that moment other friends of Type and Lhong arrived.

"What the hell are you doing with my boyfriend? Who gave you the rights to kiss him?"

"Kiss? Me?"

"yes, you"

"Calm down Tharn. You are misunderstanding things"

"what you mean by misunderstanding. I clearly saw you two enjoying and I was here worrying about you"

"Stop it Tharn, its not what you think"

"what do you mean it's not what I think. I would have let it go if he was someone else, but he is someone who likes you"

"But he is my friend too"

" Friend! As if I'll believe you. I know you are f**king around when I'm not with you"

Type slapped Tharn. Room turned to pin drop silent just like that, Type had tears in his eyes. He never doubted Tharn and he wanted this relationship to work out but Tharn ruined everything because of his restlessness and temper.

All this drama started two weeks back.


Tharn and Type were supposed to meet that day. Tharn arrived earlier than expected and he could see Type near his college gate talking to someone.

He stealthily started walking to Type to surprise him, but he had to stop when he heard duo talking.

"Type I really love you. Give me one chance to prove myself"

"I like you too Lhong, but you should understand that I have boyfriend"

"You know him only for months, but we are friends for 12 years and don't you think I deserve a chance?"

"Yes, you do deserve a chance but its too late Lhong. I want this to work out with Tharn"

"try dating me Type. Only 2 dates, if you think it won't work out then I'll never disturb you"

"Don't do this Lhong. I don't want to lose you"

"But Type-"

"Please Lhong. Let's stop this"

Tharn clearly saw Type rejecting Lhong but he believes he was not clear cut and it didn't go away from his mind. Even though Type and Tharn had talked about it but he was insecure.

After that Tharn didn't bring up about Lhong again, he was always in his mind and he has clearly told Type to not hang out with him

Type tried explaining him that they are friends for a long time now and cutting ties is not easy and he promised that he'll hangout less with him and will take Techno or someone when he goes out with Lhong.

Even though Tharn was angry he held it and didn't say much.


But today looking at them like that he couldn't control himself and he thought Type is cheating on him with Lhong.

As always, he was hot tempered and didn't think it through and slapped Type. Before he regrets it, Techno came inside and tried to explain the situation but Tharn was not really in the state of listening.

"Lets breakup Tharn. I don't think you deserve this relationship. You never trusted me and if there is no trust then this will never workout." Type had tears in his eyes.

"Yes, I was about to say the same. Let's breakup and you don't deserve me" Tharn said. He was fuming in angry.

Type looked at Lhong who was bleeding. He was upset because Tharn never tried to understand the situation. He judged as he pleases and called names. Lhong was trying to help him to sit and nothing else happened.

"Yes, I don't deserve someone like you and get out from here" Type said looking at his eyes for the last time.

"yes, I'll get out" Tharn was about to go out but came back "Before I forget, I have habit of giving things back" he said and slapped Type.

Everyone stood there frozen, no one expected that he will slap Type and prove that he is really a famous psycho.

After all what they heard about Tharn is truth, he always pays back whatever it is. But what he did today was not acceptable, but he was no longer there to argue with him.

Tharn's actions shocked Type and it took minutes to realize that the person he loved slapped him just because he has the habit of giving back.

What hurt him the most was Tharn not listening to his explanations and accusing him based on what he saw and assuming whatever he wants.



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