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The small breeze hitting my face felt like heaven.

I gulped more air than my lungs needed but heck, they were greatful as hell.

Little tremors still felt at the back of my throat. And it hurt, oh did it hurt.
Like the walls surrounding my throat have been rubbed and brushed harshly with hot sand. I knew it hurt and that I was going to have a hard time swallowing anything down. Not that I think I'd be capable of keeping anything down at the moment.

My eyes stung so bad. Really, really bad. I felt the remnants of the algaey water in my iries. I could swear I went blind for a second there.

But I couldn't really know. The world w a dead to me for a second. I was fighting to stay alive, and no one, absolutely no one had come at my aid. So excuse me if I was speaking out of turn.

Just as my breathing didn't feel like I was choking and dying, I was carried over to the shore.

Saved. Alive.

Upon my arrival at dry land, every person started to retreat. Some on full on sprints. I mean one of the girls we came with, Miranda or Mi-something was even teary while retreating back.

My uncle... My dear uncle was nowhere to be seen. It's really not that surprising really. He was willing to watch me drown, so yeah. Where he had stayed , on top of the Dunhill, it was empty, vacant. Like he was never there, never been there. Even though he didn't save me, I still needed him. I wanted to walk home with him. Have him tell me that I was okay, that I was alive. But I guess the world doesn't listen much to needy people.

It hadn't occurred to me what all these people were afraid of. 

Until after I was deposited by the water and then, a siren like voice, 'child' it said, taunting and earily familiar, vibrated at the nap on my neck.

The little hairs there stood to attention like like they were commanded. My whole body froze. My mind cleared of everything that had been occupying it. It was just the voice reverberating in the space of my mind, someone was brushing the walls of my brain.  Over and over and over again 'child ' , chilling to the core but soft like a sweet caress.

After a second of nothing but hearing eccos of nothing but that chilling voice I conjured up enough courage to look back and thank my savior.

The larger part of my mind warned not to.  Not to dare stare at whoever had saved my life. But I had to, didn't I?

Turning my head had never taken me this much time in my life. 'don't be scared my sweet Nana' . Upon hearing this, my whole body shifted and my head finally arrive where I wanted it to get, or turn to, and I knew just then, that my life was changed forever.

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