Chapter ten- Good intentions

Start from the beginning

Runesu was now uneasy and filled with anxiety, her efforts where crumbling right in front of her .

" And you? You wouldn't? You are an imposter.... you are Narufu's daughter! His biggest threat! If I should die I'd make sure you do so before me.... You foolishly chose to play with the wicked, now you have to follow Rima's every word... don't try and involve me, at least my actions stand independently."

"Why am I suffering for my father's actions? I had no voice in my kingdom and I still do not have one here! I just need to get my sister back! Why can't you have pity on me and help me... she is all I have."

With a few tears trickling down Runesu's cheek, she quickly wiped them with the back of her hand. Muvuri smirked as he looked up to meet Runesu's gaze.

" Are you done with your crocodile tears? I'm sure you did the same when I was sentenced to death. I would happily wash my hands clean with those tears of yours... I did my part, you weren't exposed for your lack of cultural knowledge at the festival. Do not expect any more from me, I did more than enough, you can take your leave now."

"Muvuri I loathe you, they say blood is thicker than water... no one mentioned how much easier it is to drown in blood."

" You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself...and deal with that warrior who has taken interest in you, he's been asking of you in the village. Never come to my hut again, I am casting a blind eye. I am done with you."

"I am not my father Muvuri!I was a mere child when you experienced his benevolence....what was I meant to do heee? Take the whips for you? I still barely understand the reasons that surrounded your death sentence."

Runesu started sobbing softly. Her face slightly brightening like a young fire from all the eye rubbing she was now doing. She wouldn't let it end there, Muvuri had to give her a standing chance.

"You can open up to me Muvuri, let me understand your pain, don't push me away because of my fathers actions."

Muvuri was very still. Holding a very nonchalant look on his face. He looked down as if he was thinking of what to do next.

"A berry from a poisonous bush can claim to just be fruit... it doesn't know the pain and suffering it can cause. You were born of the wicked. You want me to relive my pain so that you can understand? I'm trying to live a burden less life... that's why I got away from your people, your traditions, your land."

Standing up from the floor, every move Muvuri made was exaggerated by the projected movements of his bones underneath his dull dry skin. He continued to speak in a soft low voice.

"My life has been too weary to feel empathetic for people especially you, even if your heart is pure and true."

Seemingly unmoved by Runesu, Muvuri dragged his feet as he went to hang his pouch on the wall next to his other ornaments.

"Wherever I am, I am a slave because of my father's actions...stop letting in spies, I will get my sister to Shintu land by myself. Don't look out for me, don't interrupt any of my plans in a futile attempt to 'rescue' me, I now view your help as mockery to my competence ."

lifting herself up from the floor, Runesu got up and gently opened Muvuri's door, allowing herself out to be surrounded once again by foreign chanting and pagan music for another rain season. Her heart sunk as she realized that she had to pass through the villagers still gathered at the bonfire in order to reach her 'family hut' located in the outskirts of the village.

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