Chapter Four

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It's a hectic day for me, but I crammed a chap for you!


Love you all!



The sky was a perfect orange, moonlight hitting the Tomlinson mansion just right. Part of the house staff were finishing up last minute decorations outside, while the kitchen staff took care of the food and deserts. Lottie was making sure all the decorations inside were in tip top shape.

Louis was in his large bedroom looking at himself in his closet mirror. He was frustrated trying to make his devil costume seem presentable. Thanks god that at that moment, the door opened and in strolled Zayn

"Hey Lou, your mum is looking for you. Guests are starting to arrive, and the press is here." Louis almost went pale and cursed under his breath stepping out of the closet to be met with his friend who now sat at his bed

"I'm trying to set this suit but I don't know how to make myself look decent! Harry's crazy for suggesting this." he gestures to his suit and Zayn chuckles standing up

"Take off the jacket." the blue eyed man furrows his brows but obliges. "Okay, now take off the dress shirt. And hand me the tail."

He groans ridding himself of his dress shirt and reaches over for the devil tail. Zayn took it tying it around his belt straightening it so it hung down over his bum. He then grabs the coat handing it back to him

"No shirt?"

"Nope. Show off the chest." his eyes widen looking down at his tattoo

"Zayn, the press is here. I can't just show my bare chest-

"No one will care. They'll be shit faced. Besides, you'll wear the coat and button it. Only a bit of your chest will show.  Don't wear the horns though, they will mess up your perfect quiff. You'll look hot Lou. Now here." he sighs buttoning up his jacket to mid chest then reaches over to grab the pitchfork from his friend

"You're sure?"

"Oh yea. Harry's going to love it." Louis' mouth opened, that is not what he meant

"No Zayn, that's not what-

"Boobear!! Your friends are here!" Zayn chuckles winking at him and walks out of his room

He sighs tapping the floor with the pitchfork. "Right, lets go Tommo."

He walks out of his room and trots down the spiral stairs. Walking towards the kitchen he goes to kiss his mothers cheek as she helps out the kitchen staff with treys of appetizers. Even if she was rich, she loved to be hands on when it came to the food

"Love you mum." she smiles turning around and looks him up and down then grabs his hand squeezing it

"You look amazing darling. I love you too. Now go mingle and make sure your sisters don't try to prank the press again." he chuckles nodding at her then walks off to the backyard

People were laughing, commenting on each others costumes. His dad was by the bar talking to some important people and the press. To his right his sisters were laughing playing with the dogs and the other children. Smiling, he walked passed the pool towards a table far back where he saw his friends.

"Hey lads, doing okay?"

"Oh yea! Just had a footie match against the kids, they kicked our arses." Zayn rolls his eyes slinging an arm over Louis

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