Chapter 1

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Rumi Aria a fifteen year old outcast, or at least that's how she felt. From a young age she never really was able to make herself heard, she was always either talking too softly or interrupted when she finally found her voice. So she became voiceless, always having something to say yet no one ever seemed to have the time to listen. She hated it, hated never being heard. So that brings us to now, one of the last times she was ever ignored.

That brings us to Carmel, California (February 5th)
Most teens would be out partying or hanging out with friends on a Friday night. Me? I'm in my room writing songs, it's always been my dream to be adored by millions. I've grown up in the shadow of my older sister, always outshined, always forgotten. Because of that I became voiceless, don't get me wrong I love to talk. That is if anyone would actually listen to me, but I'm okay with it. Being forgotten has its perks, you always have time to yourself, I use that time to work on my music.
        I love to sing, I always show my emotions through music. It's much easier than talking to someone and not having them understand. Music always has a way of reaching people whether it be rock or Bach. Both entirely different and always reaching a person in different ways. I always believed my parents had a reason for naming me Rumi Aria, it translates to "Beautiful Solo Melody" which I love singing all on my own. I've wanted to become a singer for as long as I can remember but I have a phobia known as atychiphobia. This phobia means I have a fear of failure. Before I became voiceless and forgotten I was constantly ridiculed by people who called me their friend and family. My parents never believed in me, the two friends I had left me after making me aware that they had no belief in me, and finally my sister we were born best friends. She was my twin, best friends from birth, but I guess that's was not true. She just like everyone else told me I could not do it, and she ended up taking my dream. She is pretty popular at school with her beautiful voice.
Many people say her voice is amazing, and I'm not going to be some petty, jealous sister who says her sisters voice doesn't even come close to her own. I agree her voice is wonderful, but I just wish that I would get the chance to show everyone that my voice is equally as enchanting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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