The Special One: Ch. 12

Start from the beginning

David: Mommy, I'm sorry about Kyle. *sympathatically saying* I know he was your best friend.

Tammy: It's fine little man *heavy sigh and smiles at David* It's not your fault. Kyle is going to be fine ok?

David: *shakes head reassuringly* ok momma

Tammy: so little man why don't you go to your room and play while daddy and me talk. *smiles at David* I will be in there to watch movies with you till you fall asleep ok?

David: *smiles and gives me one last hug jumping off my lap while after running out the room*

Tammy: * sighs and gets up shutting the door. Feels a hand on my shoulder making me turn around towards Sam with tears in my eyes*

Sam: *grabs me pulling me in to his chest. That is where I cried my eyes out.* shhh baby, we will figure everythinng out. We have each other, my parents, your dad, our son, and our pack behind us.

Tammy: *shakes head and pulls away walking a short distance away from Sam* I hear chatter all around the pack house Sam. They are all wondering who is going to get hurt next till I actually do something. *turns around with tears streaming down my face* Why is this happening? I feel like I am failing as an alpha. *wipe my tears away* I don't know what to do anymore I am doing everything that I can. *sat down on the couch near the door putting my head in my hands. Heavy sighs* I feel like everything I help to build in this pack is falling apart.

Sam: *sighs, walks over and sits by me.* Honey, everything isn't falling apart. Us as first time alphas, we are going to make mistakes. The pack has to understand that we are going to make mistakes it what we learn from them that is going to help our pack grow. They can't expect us to be perfect all the time. *grabs my hands and make me look at him* You are a great alpha and you're working with this pack one step at a time. If people do not understand that you are working as hard as you can to make this pack better, than they are not loyal to us as alphas for that they can shove what ever they have up their asses farther up their asses.

Tammy: *laughs a little and shakes my head*

Sam: *smiles and sighs* I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to blow up on you. I knew it wasn't my fault, but I was just stuck on the fact I should have done better on protecting my own son.

Tammy: You have to understand David isn't like us which means he is very special. Other packs and rogues are going to be after him because he is our child.

Sam: *confused* what is David, Tammy?

Tammy: *sighs* David's biological mother was a really rare wolf. She was elemental wolf, but she was also a fairy. In my old pack we called those wolves Wolverines.

Sam: *confused* what exactly do they do?

Tammy: *gets up off the couch walking to the bookshelf pulling a book out which said "Wolverines" on the front cover* wolverines can control the elements, but they can be either more dominate or more omega. Dominate Wolverine is very powerful and will one day make a great deal of alpha power. Dominate has a more of an aggressive wolf and is hard to control anger, but also dominate Wolverines die automatically if they get regected by their mates. Omegas has a strong wolf but their human is weak. For their human they can summon the elements a lot faster than that of a dominate. Omega will die slowly and painfully if their mate rejects them.

Sam: so wait what about their fairy part? *more confused*

Tammy: *sighs* if dominate, than you feel your fairy side but you can't conjure any power except feel the power coursing through you because the Alpha power. Omegas feel more than anything which puts them at risks for packs to find them faster *looks at Sam and still looks confused and rolls my eyes* which means if David uses his powers at all the other packs can sense that and use that power to their advantage.

Sam: *eyes wide and stands up quickly* David needs protection at all times.

Tammy: how are we going to that? Some of our best fighters are out on patrol or trying to find the rogues that hurt you and him. The rest are in the infirmary. *standing next to Sam*

Sam: I will keep him by my side at all times. No matter what.

Tammy: Sam, I know how this works. We can't hide him behind us every time something goes wrong. We will put guards outside his door, one in his room and guards outside his window. *puts a hand on Sam's cheek* no one is taking him, not if I say anything about it. OK?

Sam: *shakes head and leans in to my hand*

Tammy: * smiles a little* alright let's go spend time with our son.

We walk out of my office to David's room. He was playing with his toy car that Sam gave to him when they first met. David looked so cute with his power ranger pj's on. I don't know why, but he really loves power rangers. Sam sits by David starts playing cars with him. I stand at the door way smiling at them. My two beautiful boys and they're all mine

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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