Chapter 43

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Such fickle things, ascendants. Not only did they hold some powerful magic of their own, but they- also held a prison world that compared to no other type of magical hell you could find yourself inside. As a siphoner, I had found a way to operate the thing, the only problem being that this one would have to be brought to a specific location.

The location of the place where the siphoner was held still remained a mystery.

Our teams and the other heretics still needed the location to where the Gemini child was being held. Actually, we didn't even know that much about who the person was and if they were even a child at all. I would have to do some more digging for that information.

The next few steps of our plan would be the most important. If the Gemini witches, or what was left of their coven, found out that we were going to release a siphoner, we could be in big trouble. I was willing to sacrifice many things, my family not being one of those things. This had to be a safe rescue.

"I think that we found something, angel," Damon calls out from the kitchen. I sigh and walk over, hoping that it was good news and actually useful information. Most of the info we got was either wrong or just plain useless, not being able to be used to connect the dots that would eventually lead to the location of the prison world.

"Look at this," Lexi points to a newspaper article, published in 1994, the year that we had learned the prison world was made in. "A kid tries to kill his entire family. Nobody ever sees him again. Sounds suspicious or what?"

She was right. Not only did that sound incredibly suspicious, but we had no other leads to go off of. Damon and I nodded our heads at the same time, looking at the old newspaper.

Outlandish behavior was common for siphoners. Not only were they often abused by their magical families, but they would often be forced away from physical contact. This kind of thing was a terrible thing to do, but in the end, clearly the person who did this must have been pushed to the brink. Nobody kills people like this when they have a good family. Yes, the kids that he killed would have been innocent, but imprisonment was too much. They could have just put him in the normal jails and let human justice be served.

"The only person listed here that we could track down is Josette Laughlin, who had been stabbed by this guy. His name is Kai. She's currently working at Whitmore Hospital," Lexi explains. I nod, knowing that we couldn't anger her. She may use her magic against us if we free Kai from his eternal imprisonment.

Even so, a witch, even if she was a Gemini, would be no match for us.

"Make sure that nobody tells this woman that we're getting her brother out of the prison world. This is something that I can do with the heretics. The other hybrids don't need to get involved unless something really bad happens," Everyone in the kitchen nods. "If this is the guy, he may be violent."

"Killing family members can't be that violent. Plus, you're a siphoner like him," Damon snarks.

"Damon, you know full well that people who have gone off the deep end can be dangerous, even when placed with people like themselves," Lexi says.

"I'm just saying that he should be glad that we're breaking him out. Even if he wants to attack, he won't be able to get past my angel."

"You have way too much faith in my abilities, darling," I sigh and pick up the newspaper, giving it a better look. I can't even imagine something that would warrant this. People may hate their families, but they usually don't just murder them. Never would I even think about killing my brothers and sister. These parents messed up big time if they raised a kid that had this much anger inside of him. I mean, witches aren't that great of parents, I know from personal experience. The siblings were not in the wrong, but the parents were. Unless. . . No, that can't be the case.

"Astrid, you don't even know the full extent of your abilities yet. None of the heretics do. Just like Nik and the hybrids, someone like you has never existed. I think that you'll be fine on your little save-heretic-lunatic-from-prison-world project," Lexi tries to reassure me.

"What happens if the full extent of my power just isn't good enough at some point. I have no clue if I'm that powerful," The feelings of self doubt were resurfacing as I imagined the idea. All that I ever wanted was to have my family and be good enough for them. What if, in the end, I was not strong enough to protect them? What would I do then?

"You will be good enough, angel. Even if you were weaker than we expected, we will always love you and be here for you. Always and forever," Damon assures me, holding my hand in his. Lexi squeals like the overexcited blonde vampire she is and hands me the ascendant, that of which she had been keeping safe for me this whole time.

The girl was nicer than anyone could ever imagine, always there for the people who didn't believe in themselves. Ethan had better think of himself as the luckiest man in the world because she has a heart of pure and untamed gold.

"You two are so cute! But seriously, you should do this as soon as possible. I doubt being in a prison world is fun. I would ask, but it sounds like a sore subject for the heretics. I'm a good vampire and don't open old wounds. Unless someone turns off their humanity. I'll cut those wounds open myself if that happens," Lexi rambles.

Siphoners would not be imprisoned anymore.

Not if I had any say in the matter.


The area around the old and abandoned house was not unlike any other in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, I knew the history of the place. This house was likely a place of great suffering for many people both alive and dead.

The ascendent added an extra weight to not only my hand, but my heart. I knew what the end result would be if I didn't do anything about the prison worlds, about the siphoners of the world that were constantly being mistreated. While siphoners were rare, their numbers had likely grown through genetics and the overall witch population growing over time.

I would go into this with my heart and my arms open to him. Heaven knows if he's ever experienced any familial love in his life. Witches and warlocks weren't a great lot to be having kids, often using their children as pawns for the ancestors, sometimes even being sacrificed for the sake of appeasing their elders and ancestors.

With love in my heart and empathy in my soul, Damon and I took the step onto the Parker family's old home.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂, Stefan and DamonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя