Chapter 31

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We decided that we would wake the heretics the next day inside of the house. Since Henrik had turned and still did own the house, anyone could enter. They all looked so sad, sitting in dessication. I had been the one to wake them from their eternal slumber. I waited and waited for the blood to finally make their system react and wake them up.

Around noon, the first heretic woke up. The girl had curly brown hair and a bratty look on her face. She gasped as she awoke, the blood finally kicking in. She looks at me and then at the room where she sees the rest of her heretic family with blood on their mouths.

"Who the hell are you?" She questions, moving towards a blonde girl.

"My name is Astrid Mikaelson. I promise, I am not here to hurt you. My mate and I got you and the other heretics out of the prison world," I explain. She bends down to the blonde woman. "What is your name?"

"Nora, my name is Nora," She says blankly at the girl before whipping her head to me again, "How did you get us out? More importantly, why did you get us out?"

Her being reactive and angry was something that I had suspected. After being trapped in such a cruel prison for so long, I would not expect for her to trust me right away. She had been treated horribly and would need a long time to heal, just as I had.

"Well, I think the Gemini made a mistake imprisoning you all," She looks confused. I sigh. "Look, Nora, I get that you don't trust me. I doubt that you trust anyone but your family. I just need you to understand that nobody in this house is going to try and hurt you. I would dagger any one of my siblings who even had the thought of hurting a heretic. My family knows how much getting you out meant to me."

"Dagger? Wait!" She put her finger up before asking, "Why the hell do you care about heretics anyways? Only a witch could get us out of that prison and no witch would even dare."

"I look out for my own," I state. She looks relieved. The girl that she held started to wake. "Look like she's waking. I hope that everyone here knows that they can't hurt me."

"Are you- Are you one of us?" Nora asks, wanting desperately for the answer to be yes. "Are you a heretic like us?"

"Who do you think was the person who coined the phrase heretic?" I laughed. It had been so long since I had originally been called that. The Original with magic, magic that she stole from supernatural entities. I truly was the Original abomination of magic and nature. "Who is she?"

"Mary Louise!" She touches the girl's face as she wakes from her hungry slumber. "Mary Lou, we're safe. We're out! Somebody came for us! Mar!"

The girl opens her eyes at once and looks at her covenmate. At this point, I was pretty sure that they were in love. Oh, how they would be happy to hear that they could be openly together in this century. In the past, my female lovers and I would have to sneak around and act like really good friends. It was a crying shame, Nik always liked my female lovers.

"Nora," She gets up and kisses Nora straight on the mouth. Ok, so they are together. All good, we'll get them a shared room. "Where are we?"

Nora looks to me, not really knowing herself where she was. I laugh at the two. "Mikaelson family residence. You two will be safe up in your own rooms. Make sure not to feed on Jeremy, the resident human. Henrik seems very fond of him," I wink at the two.

"Wait, Jeremy is a boy's name. Henrik is a boy's name," Mary Lou, or Mar, tried to piece together what I was insinuating. I laughed again at the two who looked very confused.

"I think that my brother and Jeremy are cute together. Yes, two boys. It doesn't matter very much anymore, ladies. Be free and homosexual all you want. Some may still stare and whisper in disgust, but it's not banned anymore. I think that in the next few years they may even let you two get married if you so wish. I mean, I've personally had a few female lovers. I don't have a preference. Although, my mates are both men," I inform the two. Mary Lou almost looked like she was going to cry at the knowledge that her and her lover would be able to be together.

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