"It's not like that. Ben dragged me along. And anyway, wouldn't you find it odd if I was hooking up with your twin?" Mack waved off. Jo giggled and swallowed the bite she just took.

"Well, yeah. But I'd still want you to tell me if anything was happening. And besides, it's him I'd be mad at, not you silly." Jo laughed, screwing up the foil her sandwich hand been in and throwing it towards a bin nearby. When it missed she scold and stood up, slowly walking over to put the crumpled foil in the bin.

While she was away Mack didn't even notice Ben sliding onto the seat next to her until he planted a kiss to her cheek. Mack instantly cringed away, stiffening at the touch.

"Hey babe, haven't seen you all week. Where you been?" He asked as if nothing was wrong, flinging an arm over Mack's shoulder. She rolled her eyes before looking at him.

"I've just been busy, helping dad at home and doing homework I guess." She dismisses. Ben's face grew irritated.

"But spending time with you're boyfriend is also important. Far more so than helping your pathetic dad who need to just pull it together." He scoffed, making Mack grow angry.

"Don't. Talk. About. My. Dad. Like. That." She said through gritted teeth.

"Don't talk to me like that." Ben shot back, giving her a warning glance. At this she piped down and instead focused her attention to her lap, where she played with the hem of her jumper. Jo waved at Ben as she walked back over, who waved back and greeted her.

"Well as lovely as this has been, I better get back before the guys think you two kidnapped me. Bye babe, bye Jo." Ben said, placing a chaste kiss on Mack's lips before heading back off to where the crowd of popular guys were crowded. Jo stared off after him.

"You're so lucky." She sighed.

"I am?" Mack retorted. Jo looked at Mack as if she'd just claimed to see a flying pig, clear and utter confusion in her gaze.

"What do you mean 'am I?' If course you are! You get a guy like that and I'm stuck here with no one, all alone while you get sweet kisses and visits from your super hot boyfriend." Jo ranted, a teasing smile tugging at her lips. If only you knew, Mack thought.

"It's not all that, y'know. You can't be caught gawking at cute guys in public." Mack brushed off, trying so hard not to say exactly what she wanted. 'He's a fucking rapist who doesn't give a shit about me' Mack wanted to shout, 'he only cares about his fucking reputation and whether his dick is the biggest out of all his friends' she wishes she could scream. But she couldn't.

"Hey, do you want to come round mine after school? I thought we could study for that maths test we have Thursday." Jo suggested, sipping from her coke bottle. Mack smiled warmly.

"That'd be great. I'm awful at maths, maybe you could help a little?"

"Oh, I'm shit too, but don't worry. Kai's great at maths - I'm sure he'd help if you needed it." That's when Mack remembered that going to Jo's would mean facing Kai, but she couldn't say no now. It would be rude and unfriendly. Ugh, having a friend was much harder than Mack remembered.


The ride from school back to Jo's was awkward and full of an uncomfortable silence, the tension from whatever it was that happened between Kai and Mack still fresh in both their minds. As they pulled into the drive Mack quietly thanked Kai for driving before both girls hoped out, the mood instantly changing as the walked through the door. The two girls sat down in the kitchen, pulling out textbooks and flash cards.

An hour later and Mack sighed frustratedly, slamming her book shut and leaning back in her chair. Kai stifled a laugh from where he sat at the breakfast bar, silently reading a comic book.

"Need some help, babe?" He taunted, instantly reviving a glare that shot daggers from Mack.

"Kai, don't ever call my friends 'babe'" Jo complained. Kai stuck his tongue out at her before hopping off his stood and seating himself beside Mack.

"You know, if you let me help you, you might actually pass the test." Kai spoke as if Mack was a small child, slowly saying each word so she would understand. Mack hit him in the arm playfully and Kai leaned back, holding his hands up in surrender. Mack rolled her eyes and Kai shot her a quick wink, before motioning to the textbook. Mack kept looking at him for a moment longer before caving, opening to the right page.

"Oooh, quadratics. A hard one, I'll give you that." He commented when he saw the page, giving Mack a mock-sympathetic look. She scoffed.

"I just don't get it." Mack lamented, holding her head in her hands.

"What's the part you don't get, babe?" Kai asked leaning over the book. Both Mack and Jo shot him a death glare and he chuckled, muttering an 'okay, okay. I'll stop.' Before going back to helping her. "Ahhh, so it's the factorising you don't get. Well don't worry, I'm brilliant at fitting numbers into things." He said with a suggestive wink, making Mack's eyes roll. Kai chuckled.


"Hey dad!" Jo called as someone walked through the door, the sound of it closing behind him echoing.

"Hey, honey." He greeted as he walked into the kitchen. "Who's this friend of yours?" He asked, eyeing Mack and Kai sat next to each other.

"Oh this is Mack, the one I said about from school." Jo said brightly. Kai looked up at their dad and gave him a tight, mocking smile.

"Hello, Mack. I'm Joshua. It's nice to finally...meet you." Joshua said slowly, extending his hand towards the girl. Mack took it cautiously and shook. They released each other's hands and Kai looked at his dad.

"Hey dad, nice to be acknowledged." He deadpanned with a fake smile. Joshua rolled his eyes at the boy.

"Go to your room, Malachai. You know you're not meant to interact with the guests." Joshua demanded flatly. Kai reluctantly got up and walked out the room, pausing at the door and turning to face the girls.

"Good to see you, Kenz. Hope you pass that test." He sent her a wink and left, leaving Mack sat to figure out everything on her own again.

She shut her book and put it in her bag, standing up and looking to Jo.

"I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow." She turned to Joshua. "Thank you for having me, it was nice to meet you Mr. Parker." Mack thanked. Joshua waved her off.

"Good to meet you too, but please, call me  Joshua." Mack nodded and walked out, calling 'bye!' Before walking out the large, wooden door.

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