Start from the beginning

For the first time in a long time, Elaina could see the boy that gave her her first butterflies staring back at her. The boy that snuck in astronomy books for her private collection, the one that made her laugh til she couldn't breath and that quoted Plato to her when they were alone in her room. The boy that made her first fall in love without knowing she did all those years ago. God, did she miss him.

Elaina got on her tippy-toes as she placed a hand on the crook of his neck, gently bringing his face down to hers as she planted an innocent peck on his lips, her eyes glistened, reflecting the affection she felt for him. "Baby steps," she nodded, her lips curling upward in a soft smile. "I can accept that."

He relaxed, his face turning into one of relief as his eyes wondered her face, loving every inch of it. "You make me want to be a better man, Elaina. A far better man than I've been. After everything I've done..." his voice drifted as he could picture the years spent in the Commission, all the innocent lives he took that he's tried to repress. "I don't even think I deserve you." he looked away from her.

"Don't you ever think that," she furrowed her brows at him, grabbing his chin so he would look at her. "The man you became was due to your circumstances, and I accept him -- I accept you -- as you are." she said with full vindication. "I won't allow you to carry that burden anymore, Five. I'll carry it with you."

Five couldn't contain the emotions that stirred inside of him as he stared in her brown eyes, her resolve reflected without a hint of doubt. She truly meant every word. He leaned down and took her lips with his own, she eagerly reciprocated the action and wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him closer to her. Five grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up, supporting her by her rear end as she instantly hooked her legs around him, deepening the kiss. Five brought her down on the bed as he hovered over her, bringing his hand up to the side of her face, slowly bringing it up to her hair, undoing her bun.

"I love you," he whispered against her lips.

"I love you too."


Five and Elaina laid together in his bed, soft breathing coming from the both of them as they slept. Elaina had her back curled against his chest as Five's arm wrapped around her waist, her own arms holding his. The strips of sun started to peek through the blinds as the morning light shined through.

Elaina started to stir from her sleep as her face rubbed against the sheets, trying to remove the sleepiness from her eyes as Five's grip on her waist tightened in his sleep. Her eyes started to flutter open as a blurry face started to emerge in her vision. Her eyes shot open to see a strange man bent down at eye level with her, a studious look on his face as he watched with a borderline creepy smile forming once he saw her eyes open.

"He found you," was all he said before she broke out screaming.

Five eyes snapped open as he quickly removed his arm and instantly jumped into a fighting stance, his eyes frantically searched the room for the threat. The man in question jumped back and started to stutter a bunch of apologizes as he held up his arms up defensively.

"What the hell?!" she screeched as she held her hand out to the man, shooting him back with a blast of her force field.

Elliot was flung back against the wall before collapsing on the floor before the bed.

"Yeah, um, that was Elliot," informed Five once he realized what happened, walking over and looking at Elliot's unconscious form sprawled out on the floor.

"Oh," said Elaina with a slight cringe as she looked down to the man from her place in the bed. "He'll be okay. I didn't throw him that hard."

Five quirked his brow. "You sure about that?"

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