Archie's Fatal Mistake

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Once at the Lake of Outrage we split up to see if we could find Archie, If I had known they were waiting for us to go different ways I would of stayed with Raihan but it was Archie who was going to make the fatal mistake. I wasn't aware that Archie's ace pokemon was a Sharpedo but I was about to find out. I was looking in the shallow part of the lake to see if i could see any movement under the water but I didn't all I saw were small fish most likely Wishiwashi. I turned to leave when something came flying at me and sent me flying into the deep water, I let out a scream as I hit the water and then managed to swim to the surface where I was hit again and realized it was a Sharpedo, I didn't have my team with me as my belt came off in the water or I would used Lapras. I heard laughing behind me and turned to look and saw a boat and driving the boat was Archie, he reached down and pulled me up into the boat the first thing he did was make sure I couldn't yell for help or yell for Raihan, he then tied me up with some kind of rope that I couldn't break no matter how hard I tried "No use trying to get away girl, that net is made form a Leavanny's string shot and she is a strong one" I then realized he either stole Burgh's Leavanny which was his ace Pokemon or caught one and copied the moveset and training style. Archie had made a fatal mistake, he should of gone for Raihan first, as he is the male and the male dragon's are very strong and he's going to be very aggressive or pissed off if you will when he finds out I was captured and I noticed how short Archie was towards Raihan so yeah he was bigger then this aquatic douche bag. I hadn't realized a trainer was near by and witnessed it and he heard me cry out for Raihan when I knocked into the water so he took off to try and find him and he did. Raihan and Piers had regrouped and were looking for me when the boy ran up, he had to catch his breath. "Which one of you is Raihan?" Piers pointed at the man next to him. The boy looked up " I don't know her name but I saw a woman being knocked into the deep part of the lake by a Sharpedo then some strange man wearing a blue and white wetsuit and a bandana on his head pulled her out of the water and into a boat and she put up a fight to get away" he then handed Raihan my belt with the pokeballs that held my team. Raihan took my belt from him and looked out to the lake "That son of bitch, that man's name is Archie...that woman's name is Jenna and she's my girlfriend" The trainer inroduced himself as Bryan and said he had his team with him and he used electric type pokemon so he'd help out since Archie had water type on his team. Piers introduced himself to Bryan "Archie made a fatal mistake..." Bryan was confused "Why do you say that?" Piers had to find a way to explain it to him he soon thought of a way to explain it."Ok, you may not believe me when I tell you this but both Jenna and Raihan were victims of an experiment done by a man named Ghetsis, what he did was fused their DNA with that of a dragons...not just any one though, Raihan has the God Dragon dna and Jenna has the Goddess Dragon DNA and when I say he made a fatal mistake I mean he should have captured Raihan first....male dragons are very strong and very aggressive when their mates are taken from them" Bryan took everything in"Yeah I Believe you, I come from the Unova region, I came with Burgh, he took me in as Ghetsis killed my parents doing that to them, that Archie stole Burgh's Leavanny and I set out to get it back, he's really upset" Raihan growled "Did you see which way he went?" Byran nodded "If you go around the corner there you'll find a grove with a lone berry tree and pokemon den, but when I stopped for berries there was a cave dug into the rock wall there." 

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