Team Aqua's First Strike

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Later I was studying a map of the Galar region and I pointed out a giant stone wall behind Hammerlocke 'If water were to hit that, it would be one giant wave breaker" Raihan looked at the map "I never noticed that before..then again I never realized there were mountians north of Wyndon until you pointed that out" We had turned the Hammerlocke stadium into a shelter for the people of Spikemuth as we did not know when they'd start their shit and had Sonia postpone the gym trials until farther notice as we did not want trainers getting killed in this mess. Piers had gone back to Spikemuth to close the shutters and put something over the small door like entrance that was in the back. We hadn't counted on Team Aqua striking this very night. Raihan was in our shared room changing our sheets while I was trying to give my Salamence a bath since she rolled in a huge mud puddle when we heard a low rumble, I looked up "What was that?" Raihan tossed the pillow down he was fluffing and went to the window "Don't see anything' just then his phone went off and flew to him so he could see "It's a message from Gordie, some assholes just threw explosives into Circhester Bay and blew up a huge tidal wave and its heading straight for Spikemuth" We looked at eachother "Piers!" I let my Salamence go and took off out the door with Raihan right behind me. I looked at him "Our wings would be faster, its easy to fly, its the landing that is not so easy or so I heard"

We called out our wings and took off into the air the flying part was pretty easy and we had the help of some flying type Pokemon to keep us from being spotted. We flew through the tunnel that connected route 9 to Hammerlocke and Spikemuth. We arrived and looked around "I don't see him, please don't tell me he went inside after he closed it off" Raihan flew around back and burst through the wood that covered the small door and was looking around, he headed back to where the gym was and were Piers usually gives concerts. A loud rumble could be heard and the walls of the incloser started shaking as the tidal wave of freezing cold water got closer. Raihan checked every where "Piers where are you, you need to get out of here, you do not have much time as a huge tidal wave is heading right for here" Piers came running out of his and Marnie's house and Raihan saw what he was doing, he was getting some stuff that was very important to him and his sister out of the house. The walls began breaking and water began pouring in. Raihan flew down and let Flygon out "take his stuff and get out of here with it" I knew something was wrong and sent my Flygon, Salamence and Dragonite since they could all fly to help out and was glad I did, each Pokemon took what they could carry and hurried out with it. One wall gave a way and huge rush of water was heading right for Piers, Raihan grabbed him around the waist and grabbed the bag he had and flew up wards breaking through the ceiling like dome and out just in the nick of time. He brought Piers over to me and sat him down, Piers took a few deep breathes then thanked us. The huge wave ripped through Spikemuth and headed south. Raihan looked at Piers "What's south from here?" Piers looked up "Hulbury" Raihan looked at me "Warn Nessa" I nodded and messaged her and soon got a message that she was getting people out and heading to Hammerlocke with them. Some how a small trainer got caught in the wave and was yelling for help, Piers spotted her "Jenna, you Lapras and quick" I let her out and saw what he saw "Lapras go get that young trainer" Lapras hurried into the water and swam as fast as she could and caught up to the trainer, she lowered her head for the trainer to grab onto her neck which she did and this allowed Lapras to lift her head and get the trainer safely onto her back and she started swimming back towards us. Raihan and I put our wings away so we didn't scare the girl, yes Piers had informed that the trainer was a female,probably one just starting out. Lapars came to shore and I took the girl off her back and patted Lapras's nose "Thanks girl" I hurried over with her and the girl was really shaking from the freezing cold water. Raihan pulled his hoodie off and gave it to me to wrap around the girl and Piers gave me his jacket to make it warmer. Once she was warm and stopped shaking, she told us she was heading into Hammerlocke to a pokemon center as her starter was hurt and then she realized she couldn't find her pokeball "Oh no it must of come off in the water, Scorbunny" Piers let out his Obstagoon which the girl liked and wanted one, we told her to catch a Glarian Zigzagoon and she'd get one when it evoloved into its third evolution. "Obstagoon, can you see if you find a pokeball any where around here" He nodded and got to work and I had my Dragonite search from the air. All of a sudden I see my Dragonite grab a Team Aqua grunt and lift him into the air. She came back and dropped him Raihan's feet. Raihan picked him up by the collar of his shirt "Ok, where is this little girl's Pokeball with her Scorbunny" The grunt shrugged but it didn't work Obstagoon caught the starter pokemon's scent and pointed to the pokeballs on his belt. Right as the huge wave got near Hulbury Becca came out of no where and was standing above it She closed her eyes and asked the Mana spirt of wind to aide her and she spun around collecting the water forming a water tornado around her then she lifted it off ther ground and moved it above everything, we seen her go over and to the Circhester Bay where she put the water back. She came back and landed next to us. "Don't worry, I will help restore everything, but let us deal with these freaking dildos" Raihan took the pokeballs and opened them until he found Scorbunny which he called back and gave the ball back the girl who was happy to have her starter again. This time I grabbed the grunt "Where is Archie? where is your leader?" He refused to answer me that was until Obstagoon bit him in the ass then he answered and told us he was at the Lake of Outrage. I thanked Obstagoon and turned to Becca "Can you take this trainer into the Hammerlocke Stadium, let her use a pokecent first" Becca nods and takes the girl into Hammerlocke. Piers, Raihan and I headed for the lake of Outrage.

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