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           Memory 2: The collar bone scar

It was the year after your sister died from the incident. The curves of the wind hit your hair and blew the scent of dried up blood and death.

You were standing in front of the human dead body you killed. You don't have a reason for killing him, you just did it to calm your nerves.

As usual you chose to kill men or people who have committed crimes. You can read their minds by looking at them.

Your stare made others peoples stare weak. Your haori was torn up a bit from the fire you ran through to save two siblings that were abandoned from their parents.

You turned around limping a bit looking like a empty ink tank for old writing but had no emotion in the writing on the paper just plain.

You walked away slowly sliding your feet each step you took. Your sword was dragging on the dirt making a line path. You heard a faint scream in front of you.

You flinch and then straightened your body, your muscle retracted and tensed up. You crouched before dashing through the trees fast blowing the leaves and shaking the pine trees.

You came to a stop when you saw a low class demon trying to get a little boy. Your nichirin sword was already out and immediately dash and slashed its head. When the head flew off purple blood came out which was odd to you.

When you landed on the other side part of the purple blood burned your skin. You wiped it off immediately and hissed at the pain it had.

You wiped your sword by slashing it in the air. You turned around to go towards wherever your body was taking you.

Your eyes had no spark no color to them during this time. You felt tired,angry, and frustrated but that's all you felt.

You walked for hours on end without stopping what so ever. You look like a rag doll being controlled yet it's just your body making you move along.

You collapsed in the ground face first and didn't flinch a reaction of nerves through your body to feel pain. You felt tears down your face and they stung on to your cheeks temporarily.

You heard another demon but you didn't get up. You layed there like a empty void waiting to do something, move something. The demon took a step and once it did you immediately stood up and made the demon flinch.

You smirked and slashed the demons head but as soon as you did the demon spit acid that hit your collar bone eating away the skin. You got pissed and destroyed the demon immediately.

You painted and touched the spot that got acid on the collar bone. You bit your wrist which made a crunching noise splattering blood everywhere.

You drank your blood and the wound healed but left a scar there because it is unable to heal the skin.

A/n Chan:

Sorry that the chapter is short and all. I changed my writing a bit if you haven't noticed. I started adding more detail to it. Let me know if you like it or not. Idlove to know your opinion.

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