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Author's Note: I apologize in advance for all of the perspective shifts. The writing tense I chose works better with them, and we get a lot of perspectives in this scene. Hope you still enjoy!

•*•Gavin's POV•*•

I scratched my neck and started walking down the stairs to my car.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a familiarly synthetic voice ask.

"Mind your own business, would ya, Connor? I'm visiting a friend."

I turned to face the android standing on a balcony two floors above me. He started down the stairs towards me.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work right now, Detective Reed?" Connor asked.

"I said mind your DAMN business!" I punched him in the stomach, knowing it wouldn't hurt him too much. He fell to his knees.

I grabbed my keys from my pocket and hurried to my car. I put the keys in the ignition, backed out of the parking space, and started to drive back to the precinct.

Stupid android, I thought to myself. He must live right above her.

As I drove, I thought about how good that sex just was. Her body was magnetic. Addictive. I couldn't get enough. I knew I wanted to see her again for a round two but god, if that plastic prick lived right above her, it might not be worth it.

•*•Astra's POV•*•

He better call me again soon, I thought as I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen. Now to get ready for Jimmy's with the boys. I took another quick shower, got dressed, and wrapped my wet hair in a messy bun. 

Drinking was fun, but being stoned was my preference, so I rolled a joint for the road. I thought about bringing another one to share, but I have a rule not to smoke after drinking. I puke every time. 

I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone then headed up to Connor's. 

•*•Connor's POV•*•

A knock sounded at my door. I walked from my kitchen to answer it. When I opened the door, I saw Astra. She looked great. I couldn't help but analyze every inch of her body. Her hair was in a bun, she was wearing a short skirt with fishnet stockings and boots. What was this feeling in my  chest? What was happening to me? 

"Hey, Connor, nice beanie," she said with a smirk. My eyes met hers. Caught. She pushed past me into my apartment.

"Hello, Astra," I replied, my face growing warm. I closed the door.

"I like what you've done with the place," she said, looking around.

"Cyberlife provided the furniture, but I picked the art myself. All of it is from a local artist by the name of Carl Manfred. He's a close friend of Elijah Kamski." 

"It's all very inspired. I love his use of color." 

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed the leather jacket Hank gave to me. I peeked at myself in the mirror before returning to the living room. 

"Are you ready?" I asked.

Astra smirked. "I am if you are." 

"Let's go then. I don't want to be late." 

"I hardly think Hank would mind," she laughed as she followed me out to the car. 

"Yes, but I do." 

I opened the passenger door for her then walked around to my side, got in, and started the car. 

"How did you feel this morning after the weed last night?" Astra asked.

Angel Boy ;; Connor RK800, Gavin ReedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin