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•*•Astra's POV•*•

I woke with a start to my alarm ringing and a pounding headache. What a great way to start your first day, I thought to myself. I silenced my alarm and checked the time. 12pm. Just enough time to eat and get ready before heading to the station.

I stumbled to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water, then walked to the bathroom and flipped on the shower. I examined myself in the mirror as the water warmed up.

I had dark circles under my eyes and my hair was a mess. Better brush it before the shower, I thought. So hard to shampoo otherwise.

I took off my shirt and looked back in the mirror. Something small and purple on my collarbone caught my eye.

"What the fuck?!" I said, leaning closer to the mirror.

My eyes adjusted as I rubbed at the mark, hoping it was makeup, or a bruise. But it wasn't.

"That bastard Gavin gave me a hickey and I didn't even notice until now!" I exclaimed as I hopped into the shower.

I closed my eyes and let the water wash over my body. My head was pounding. I shouldn't have had so much to drink last night at the bar. I started to shampoo my hair. Wait, I paused. I only had one glass of whiskey. I know I haven't gone drinking in a while, but one glass wouldn't give me this bad of a hangover. What did I do last night?

As I finished my shower routine, I thought about what I did last night. I realized I couldn't remember much of anything past getting Connor home. Maybe Connor would know. Or maybe he wouldn't. He was pretty drunk when we left the bar.

I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel. My phone dinged and the screen lit up with a text from Gavin.

Gavin: Can't stop thinking about the other night. I get off at 8pm, can I take you out for drinks?

I smirked and dried myself off before responding. I wanted to punish him for that hickey, so I decided to make him wait.

Astra: I work till 10pm tonight, another time maybe?

Gavin: Damn, when are you free?

Astra: Tomorrow night? I still work till 10pm, but it's my first day today. Not sure how tired I'll be.

Gavin: Ah, that's right. Good luck with the job!

Astra: Thanks!

I finished getting ready, grabbed a power bar, and walked up to Connor's apartment.

•*•Connor's POV•*•

I just stood in my bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror. I can't believe I let last night happen. Where was my control?

"She's your goddamn coworker!" I yelled at myself, hitting my reflection with my fist.

I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face. These emotions were too much. They scrambled my brain and made me behave uncharacteristically.

I heard a knock at my door and turned off the water. It was probably Astra, here for her ride to work. I was a fool. Not even one shift together and I couldn't keep it in my pants. Now I was going to have to face the consequences.

I walked to the door and opened it. There she was, alluring as ever.

"Hey Connor!" she said.

"Hey." This was going to be a long day. I locked my door and started down the stairs to the car.

"Do you remember what I did after dropping you off here last night? I must've drank too much, because I can't remember for shit," she asked.

I stopped in my tracks. This was my chance. I was getting a second chance to stay in line. I didn't want to lie, but the truth was more uncomfortable in the long run. I turned to face her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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Angel Boy ;; Connor RK800, Gavin ReedWhere stories live. Discover now