Lila gets bad luck

Start from the beginning

"Wait…. What?"

"But that was an extreme case, Ladybug's holder had just died and it was because of some unfair justification stuff."

"Oooookay? But nothing really bad would happen to Lila…. Right?" he asked to make sure.

"Define bad."


"Like I said, the only bad thing happened because my holder's wife was killed unfairly in front of him. The whole bad luck thing is balanced to how mad you are at them. And really, wouldn’t the Liar girl deserve some bad luck? After all, since I'm a god it'd be divine retribution. " Adrien still didn’t look convinced.

"I promise I won’t even go overboard, and It's not like I'm gonna be running around pranking her."

"What would it be like exactly?" his eyebrows were raised, and he couldn’t really say he wasn’t tempted.

"I find her, give her some bad luck and blamo, She's gonna be too busy with her bad luck to bully your Princess. "

"That's it?" Adrien narrowed his eyes. How did bad luck make… whatever it was that happened in atlantis.

"Yup. And if it gets too much we could always get Tikki to even it out." Adrien shifted thinking it over. If Lila didstop bullying Marinette though…..

"Alright. " he sighed. "But we stop this thing the moment it gets too extreme."

"Yes! Uh- I mean You'll have to give me some cheese to do this thing. That's why I'm happy. " Plag nodded to himself as if to assure himself he was not going soft. Adrien smirked.

"It's ok, Plagg, I know you like Mari."

"You know what, when you get married just give her the miraculous instead of the wedding ring that way I'll get to keep the cheese and you wouldn’t bother me so much" Adrien could swear to anything he holds dear (Mari, Ladybug , his mother pops up in his head in quick succession) Plagg was pouting.

It was a testament to how much he actuallydid like Marinette that Plagg didn’t even wait for it to be morning to give Lila bad luck he just simply flew to her in the middle of the night when Adrien was asleep and Lila was too and came back before they had to leave for the morning.

How he knew this?

Well, Lila came in looking like she came in walking through a tornado.

"Uh…. What happened to you girl?" Alya said what everyone was thinking out loud.

"I'm just…. Having a bad hair day." she grit out trying to comb her hand through her hair and failing to do so when her hand gets stuck in knots.

"Yeah, I'll say, is that even physically possible?" Kim pointed out the hairs that seemed to defy gravity.

When the girl was walking to the front desk when she stubbed her toe on the table. Which caused her to yelp, hop on one foot and for the entire table to collapse. Adrien only got out in the nick of time by jumping onto Alya and Nino's table behind him.

"Woah!" Nino widened his eyes.

"Holy-" Alix jumped.

"Oh my -" Rose gasped.

"Pfffffft" Chloe snorted.

"Oh my god Lila, Adrien are you alright?" Mme Bustier asked, concerned .

"Yeah, I'm fine. We can't say the same about the table though." he eyed said table warily.

"My foot! It hurts!" Lila whined.

Mme Bustier sighed and looked at the class critically before nodding to herself.

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