He pulled me behind him as he stood like a shield between me and the other guy.

"Back off, AJ." He said in angry voice.

"Just move out of my way, Evan. It's between me and the girl." AJ guy said moving towards me.

"Don't." Evan said placing a hand on the guys chest stopping him, " Leave her alone, if you don't want to see my bad side." He warned in a menacing voice.

"What will you do? " AJ asked in a challenging voice and the next second I heard the noise of the bones breaking and a Yelp as Evan's fist made contact with the jaw of AJ.

The other boys with AJ held him and took him away from Evan as he was ready to give him another punch. Evan came to me after picking up my glasses from the ground.

"Hey, don't cry, they are gone and I will make sure that they will never come near you." He said placing a hand on my arm making butterflies fly in my stomach.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I wiped my tears.

"I can always be the Knight in Shining armour to help the damsel in distress." He chuckled making me smile.

"Here, take this glasses. I think they are yours but I am sorry that they are already broken." He said.

"No problem, I will get new glasses." I said as I started to walk away from him only to stumble and make him catch me.

"If you don't mind, can I walk you to the Optician's shop beside our college. I think it's not possible for you to walk till there without your glasses on." He said and I nodded.

He helped me till the Optician's which was thankfully situated beside our college.

"Violet Everly." I said once the Optician gave back my spectacles with new glasses.

"Thank God at last you spoke, I thought you would never speak with me." He said placing a hand on his heart dramatically. I smiled at his antics and I observed his hand bruised from the fight earlier.

"You are hurt." I said looking at his hand.

"Yes, I was hurt, when you didn't speak." He pouted.

"No, you have a cut on your hand." I explained making him look at his hand.

"Oh.. It's nothing." He waved off.

"Wait." I said as I borrowed the first aid box from the Optician and aided his cut. He pushed back the stray hair from my face making me look at him.

"Will you be my friend? " He asked looking at me, hopefully.

" Okay, Friends." I smiled.

He smiled brightly putting his pearl white teeth for display.

A knock on the door brought me back to the present as I relived a memory that I could never forget. The door opened revealing Sam, who was carrying Archie dressed in Batman's costume with a cape around his neck and a mask covering his eyes. This is what happens when you leave your kid with a super hero obsessed uncle.

"Sam, what have you done to my baby! " I exclaimed as I moved towards them.

"Presenting you the cutest batsman, you will ever see." Sam said throwing Archie in air making him laugh. Archie bounced in Sam's arms trying to reach me, when he spotted me. I took him in my arms and he hugged me placing his head on my shoulder.

"Aww.. My little munchkin, I missed you." I said as I hugged my baby.

"Mom and Dad went to attend, Mr. Kailen's birthday party and the little Batman was missing his Mom, so I brought him here." Sam said as he propped on the sofa in my office.

"How's things going in the resort? " I asked Sam as I sat on the sofa beside him with Archie in my lap latching on the feeder drinking milk from it silently.

My baby's hungry.

"Everything's going well, Vi. In fact our resort's booked for an entire week for some big shot wedding next week." Sam said happily.

"Wow, that's great." I said rocking Archie to sleep as he finished drinking the milk.

"What about Fernandez's deal? Is everything going well? " Sam asked making funny faces at Archie making him smile.

"Yes, hopefully I think I can wrap this deal by the end of this week." I said crossing my fingers.

"Sam, stop making faces at him. I am trying hard to put him to sleep, if you keep doing that he won't sleep." I scolded Sam, whacking on his arm.

"Vi, why are you always trying to make that poor guy sleep. Let him enjoy his life. Right, A." Sam cooed.

"Shut Up, Sam. You know that he will play with you the whole day without getting tired, and I want to make sure he gets enough sleep." I said patting Archie as he let out a soft yawn closing his eyes.

"Are you coming home now? " Sam asked poking Archie's cheek with his finger.

"Don't." I said smacking Sam's hand away, "you will wake him up. Let's go home, you drive. I am too tired and Archie's sleeping." I said, carefully lifting my baby in my arms and walking towards the exit.

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