Speed Testing and Butterfly Feeling

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Chapter 2

Putting on my game face in the time of crisis has always been one of my specialities. Today, it's probably one of the times I needed it the most.

"Hey, Lemon," Tadashi says from the other side of the room with Hiro on his side. I chide myself for using all my efforts for looking like I'm concentrating all thoughts on the bike, when I should be concentrating all thoughts on the bike.

I disengage the electro-magnet on the front wheel, to release it from suspension. I test it for strength, and put it back into place while re-engaging the electro-magnet. Turning the wheel between my fingers, I'm immediately dissatisfied with the result. Sure, the wheel itself could cut through steel if optimal speed is gained, but if I can't do that, the entire project is redundant.

About to reach for an energy bar under the worktable (Honey Lemon can't scold me for that), someone greets me from closely behind, "Hey, Gogo."

The voice alone makes me freeze sightly as I come up and put a Phillips down on the table. I mean, I didn't even need a screwdriver. "Hey, Tadashi," I greet. Turning to Hiro, I remark, "Welcome to the nerd lab."

I pop a strawberry-pink bubble, then Hiro pipes up, sounding similar to his brother, "Is that electro-magnetic suspension?"

I look at him emotionlessly, taking a close look at the mini-Tadashi. Unruly hair, dark eyes, goofy smile. Almost exactly how Tadashi was at that age. I've snuck enough glances at the photo frames in their Aunt Cass's house while I was over there to know that much.

"Zero resistance, faster bike. But not fast enough," I reply stoically, grabbing the wheel out of suspension and tossing it into the cardboard box filled to the brim with the rest, it landing perfectly in the middle, making a clanking sound as a result.

Tadashi clears his throat as Hiro walks over to Wasabi's laser-induced plasma junk. I may be stretching it a little when I say 'junk'. At least his project's working.

"Bye, GoGo."

Breaking my gaze from the desk, I look directly into his eyes, only for a second. But they said everything. See you later. He winks at me, then follows Hiro, who's obviously impressed with Wasabi's work.

I finally turn back at my bike, deciding it's time to focus on the frame, and not on Tadashi. Realizing one of the drill-bits have fallen out, I know I'll need a wrench to reattach it. Looking around my workstation, it's obvious finding one would be hopeless. Striding to Wasabi's tool table, or whatever it is, I pick up a miniature stainless steel wrench. Walking away, Wasabi follows me, reprimanding, "I have a delicate system going on here, don't ruin it!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Tadashi grinning at the whole episode. I put a sly grin on my face while I tighten the drill-bit, making the group believe that I'm victorious of my latest 'Wasabi escapade', but really, my mind's on Tadashi.

Hiro asks in disbelief, ending my thoughts of his brother, "Wait a minute. Honey Lemon? Wasabi? GoGo?"

Tadashi begins, "Yeah, they're all nicknames. Fred's the one who comes up with all of them."

Hiro raises an eyebrow. "Who's Fred?"

"That's me," Fred answers, walking behind Hiro, making him jump, waving his arms like a weirdo. Fred does his mascot routine with his favourite sign, twirling it like the sign-spinner of a business or something.

"By day, I'm the school mascot. By night," he pauses, lifting up the head of his mask. "I'm also a school mascot."

Fred's the resident goofball-slash-idiot in the group. Being a class clown, he downplays his intelligence to the point where he's stupid. Really stupid. Science enthusiast, I mean, honestly.

Blanking out, I focus on the seat, which sounds really dumb, but if you're not properly secure on a subsonic bicycle, it's going to hurt. A lot. The exterior built out of a leather and linen-cotton polymer, and interior filled with memory foam constructed for warplanes like the Boeing range, I believe it's a perfect saddle for the bicycle.

I must be really desperate to think of something other than Tadashi if I'm fixating over a bicycle saddle. Slightly adjusting the seat post that was slightly too high, I untie the bicycle from the titanium suspensions and decide to take a test run around the lab. I know it's reckless and relatively life-threatening, but doing it five times and not dying qualifies me to do it a sixth.

"I'm going to ride!" I call out to the room at large. While I place a yellow helmet on my head and activate the add-on stopwatch I strapped to the handlebars, I yell, "Wasabi, make sure that perfect system of yours is tucked away, because I'm thinking of doing some rounds around your station."

Wasabi frantically pulls on his doctor's gloves and shouts, "Don't you dare!"

The words don't reach my ears as I already started pedalling, going up to speeds such as 160km in two seconds on a lazy day. I do a round around the lab, Wasabi sighing in relief because his system is okay, Honey Lemon screaming for dear life, Fred yelling, "Yeah! Me next!"

I stop back at the head of my worktable, and glance at the stopwatch that's still ongoing. Now, it's at 6,72 seconds, so when I subtract additional time, I estimate about 4,68 seconds around the lab while avoiding obstacles.

"Good," I state, lifting it to the titanium braces. "But not good enough."

I'm flustered as I finally take a bite out of that energy bar from under my desk, then I realize that only Honey Lemon, Wasabi and Fred are present, and the Hamada brothers are nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Tadashi and Hiro?" I ask Honey Lemon while she comes over to grab a pack of jellybeans from my candy stash. I need my sugar.

"Your crush left while you were adjusting your seat post," she replies girlishly as she pops a blue jellybean into her mouth. She asks, giggling, "Sad you didn't say goodbye?"

I simply shake my head. "No."

"Oh," she recollects. "That's right. He's taking you home after he drops off Hiro at Aunt Cass."

Tadashi's aunt, Cass, owns the Lucky Cat Café that we always go to while exchanging ideas over a cup of hot chocolate. At least, I do. Honey and Fred drink coffee, which I don't think is good for their health considering their enthusiasm levels at times.

"That's right," I answer, not really paying attention due to a notification alert from my laptop. A private message from Tadashi. I open the message, anxious to see what was sent.

Tadashi :-) : On my way, had to drop off Hiro. Didn't want to disturb you.

I have tiny butterflies in my stomach as I read the message. It doesn't say anything of importance, but the fact he had to tell me that to reassure me, was sweet.

(*) GoGo (*) : Can't wait  ;)

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