Father Meeting and Enemy Making

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I scowl at the piece of pastel fabric in Kiku's hands. 'What... is this?'

For the past week, it's only been preparations for the dreaded evening my sister and I are attending with our father. Sorry, I mean Dad. Not really. I barely even had time for classes when I was allowed to attend by overprotective sister and Tadashi, even though I actually care very little for the education, but more for my bike, which has been much neglected lately.

We're browsing through her closet in her horribly pink and fluffy bedroom (I can't believe I have to suffer through this), trying to find something that he'll approve of. Apparently, leather jackets can be seen as aggressive. What an idiot.

'It's a top,' Kiku replies, looking slightly hurt at my comment. 'And it's your size.'

Rolling my eyes, I push the soft-coloured clothing away. 'We're the same size, that won't convince me. And it's light pink.'

'Okay, then. So what would you like to wear to the dinner?'

Already starting to answer, I begin speaking and she interrupts. 'And don't say leather jacket. Or black. Or ripped denim.'

'That's the summary of my clothing,' I mention matter-of-factly and sit down on the bed behind me, which is the only non-pink thing in her room. 'Why do I have to go anyway? You're his favourite.'

Kiku props herself onto her bed and sighs. 'He wanted to see the both of us. It has been 2 years after all, and you're a minor.'

'When did you see him?' I ask suddenly, catching my sister off-guard. She turns away from me, so I continue. 'You can't avoid the question forever.'

'I was on my way home from the library, since I had only gotten the physiology book and I have books here I need to read.' She takes a breath. 'Since it's only two blocks away, I walked. And then Dad showed up in a car that was driving by, and believe me, I almost screamed from the shock.'

'Stalker,' I mutter under my breath, seeing Kiku purse her lips in disapproval. 'Continue.'

'So he got out, and invited me to coffee, and since he's our father, I had to say "yes". On the appointment, I could say, he invited us to dinner this evening. I tried to convince him otherwise, but you know the family.'

I nod. 'We're a stubborn bunch.'

Kiku glances at me briefly and remarks, 'Yip. And that's how this happened. So we might as well get it over and done with.'

'I can't say I disagree,' I say with a scowl.

'So, let's forget all of that,' Kiku pipes with a small grin and jumps up from her bed. 'And get you a proper outfit for tonight, hmm?'

Shrugging, I prop myself up. 'Sure.'

'You ready?'

I look at my sister and gesture to myself. 'If I look like this, I sure hope so, or you won't be the only one suffering tonight.'

Being at the mall for about three hours was almost the death of me. Granted, I wasn't shopping for my outfit, but surrounding myself with rock CDs while Kiku handled the torture, but still, I shudder at the thought. Kiku didn't do too horribly, though.

She shook her head at my attitude, somewhat amused but mostly disapproving. 'You'll want to keep those sort of comments to yourself,' she remarks while braking at a red light. 'And start now, we'll probably be there in a few minutes.'

'Where are we going, anyway?' I ask with a raised eyebrow at the secrecy. 'A restaurant or something?'

My sister let out a nervous laugh, and I got even more suspicious. 'Of sorts.'

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