"And how is that" he as me setting food on mine and my siblings plates who were still upstairs

"Well she was ignoring me and didn't answer my calls or texts then she came home really late two days in a row moral of the story is I accused her of using again she got upset and left the house" I explained to him

"I understand Lauren Camila had lost your trust when she started using and now that she is sober you still don't know if you could trust her" he told me making me nod my head in agreement

"I was there once with you uncle when he was addicted and started to get better I still didn't trust him because I knew the old him would lie and do anything to get the drug back in his system" he explained to me more

"All you have to do it be understanding and you know Camila better then anyone I'm sure you can tell when she is using" he told me he was right the Camila months ago would only come over for sex and a warm bed the Camila I know is sweet and loving and cares about everyone around her

"You're right Dad I do know the difference between my Camila and the Camila on drugs they both love me but in different ways" I told him simply till my phone interrupted

I went to answer the call from and unknown caller id

"Hello" I said into the phone

"Hi is this Lauren J" I heard a soft voice say

"Yeah who's asking" I asked into the phone confused as my parents looked at me from afar

"This is windhill hospital we have a patient here with the no identification card on her just some ultrasound picture on her when she got into an accident is there any connection between the two" she asked

"Yeah yeah her name is Camila cabello and she is my girlfriend what type of accident was it what happened to her is she okay" I asked then a million questions flooded my mind

"Well she got into a car accident or motorcycle I should say we brought her in last night after an old lady found her laying in the road" she informed me tears started to from in my eyes

"I'll be there" I said into the phone and hung up letting out a cry my mom came to give me a hug

"What's wrong mija" she asked me

"It was about Camila she got into and accident and is in the hospital" I cried

I sucked it up and grabbed my keys until my dad stoped me

"Your not going anywhere upset and by yourself I'll go with you can you at least eat something for Camila and her baby" my dad told me I hurried and sat and the table eating a little bit of my breakfast before going upstairs to change out my pajamas

We got to the hospital and I went straight to the desk asking for Camila Cabello

"Room 316" she told me and I started to head there with my dad close behind

I was about to head into the room until I felt my dads hand on my wrist

"Hey look at me take it easy okay don't worry or stress yourself out its not good for you take deep breaths" he told me looking into my eyes

I slowed by breathing then my dad finally let got signaling for me to go inside as he waits out here

I walked into the dimmed room to be met with the girl of my dreams laid down in a hospital bed with a cast around her leg with bandages coving her cheek and some on her arm she was hooked up to multiple monitors

She was asleep still I looked to her belongings to see the ultrasound pictures of our babygirl covered in some of Camila's blood

I heard the bed shift and a groan leave her mouth I looked over to her to see her laying there with her eyes open watching my every move

"Your awake" I said making her wince realizing she had a concussion I lowered my voice not wanting to make it hurt more

"Sorry" I told her

"Why are you here" she asked me

"Why do you think I love you and I'm sorry about yesterday I was not myself I was to quick to judge and I didn't even let you explain yourself and that is my fault I'm truly sorry babe" I told her

"I forgive you my Love" she told me making my heart flutter

"Come here" she told me I walked over to her and she held her hand out pulling me into a hug

"I love you" I told her kissing her on the uncovered cheek

"I love you more" she told me making me smile

The doctor came in making us cut it short

Camila POV

"Ahh Camila cabello you were in a pretty bad accident last night do you remember any in it" he asked me

"Yeah just up until I got hit after then everything when black" I told him

"That's understandable well you have a pretty bad concussion and you fractured your leg with a few scraps that should heal in a week or so" he told me i honestly felt sick like I would throw up any minute Until I finally did and it made my head ache worse

"Don't worry your concussion is the cause of any sickness you feel I will like to keep you for the rest of the day to monitor you and if your concussion worsens we will keep you here longer but if you show development then you will be free to go I'll have a nurse come in and up your dosage of morphine it seems you're in pain now right" he explained quickly as I wince from sitting up

"Yeah that would be great" I let out

"Thank you doc" Lauren told the doctor as he left

"Will you stay" I asked Lauren wanting to keep her close

"Of course babe where else would I go" she told me
Making me smile

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