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Claudia sat by a river just near the inner ring with her nose deep inside a book her imagination running wild like the river her feet were dipped in. Laughing to herself quietly she turned a page.


Claudia closed her book with a slap and picked up her shoes and ran towards the house in the distance.
Aunty Abigale was in a fritz her no good for nothing niece had abandoned her obligations.

"Claudia! Where is your head girl! If you weren't my brothers daughter I'd tossed you into the streets years ago."

A red faced and puffed Claudia barley had time to respond before a bucket of freshly washed clothes were thrown into her arms.

Claudia went into motion with skill and ease as if she had learnt this skill from a young age.

"If we don't get this washin' to the lord and lady's manor with the hour I shalt be payed! And you won't eat girl! You've been good for nothing since you was born you should of died-"

Claudia's thoughts drifted away to a certain aristocrat famous parties, folded and placed gently into a pile and folded and placed gently into a pile and folded and... ladies in big extravagant dresses with wigs so big the servants need a ladder to decorate them. The most handsome men the world has ever seen with morals, sense, delightful wit and good conversation.

Her Aunt shrilled, Claudia's dirty petticoat bushed almost dangerously near the white table clothes.

"I'm sorry Aunty" Claudia replied softly "give me a moment to change." Her aunty shrilling got quieter as she walked out of the wash room  into her little shack on the side of her aunt and uncles farm. Claudia hastily put her mud stained petticoat to the side and grabbed a fresh one, in her haste her hand bumped the side of a little glass frame knocking down the only thing she had left of her parents, a small glass framed picture. Moving the glass away gently she picked up drawing of her late mother and father in her hands holding it close to her heart for a moment before putting it into her pocket she rushed back out just in time. Abigale was loading up the cart with cleanly pressed laundry.

"Get into the wagon don't be daft, now I want you to get 5 silver coins I'll take nothing less!"

"Yes aunty"

"If you come back with any less don't come back home at all!" Aunt Abigails high voice cracked

With a nod of a agreement Claudia gently slapped the butt of the mule and she was off. The manor was coming closer as Claudia drove carelessly along putting her hand out to feel the tall grass as she cruised. With a happy feeling in her heart she turned round the bend, with the manor beastforge in sight she smiled.

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