Ruby: "Why would you challenge her to a fight ?"

Weiss: "Are you certain you can handle a proffesional huntress ?"

Me: "First because it will be fun and second yes"

Yang: "Don't know whats gotten into you but good luck"

Blake was too tired to give a comment

Me: "Thank you Yang"

Glynda: "Are you sure about this Y/N ?"

Me: "I am absolutely 100% sure"

Glynda: "Very well then go get changed"

After I changed I entered the arena and was now facing Glynda with my blades on my back and my sheild on my hand

Me: "Anyone care to count us down ?"

Ruby: "I'll do it, 3.. 2.." Both of us into stances "1.. GO !"

Glynda wasted no time and restrained me and formed multiple spears out of the ground and sent them flying to me. I broke out of the restraints just in time to block the attack with my shield. I charge at her with my shield still in front of me and she dodged, I quickly tried to spin kick her but she backstepped and didnt get hit.

I get my blades and spin myslef then slam one of them making an explosion which she dodged again and I threw my other blade at her head and she only moved a little to dodge it, that was her mistake. I tugged my blade and made it wrap around her neck, she looked shocked and I pull the blade sending her to me, I kick her in the gut -stopping all the momentum- I uppercut her into the air and I followed right behind her.

I grab her waist and spun multiple times then sent her barreling to the floor which made a shockwave and a little crater on impact. She stood up all damaged and looked up to see me coming down ready to punch her. She hastily dodged and used her semblance to send me to a wall making it crack.

I slowly got out of the wall and she sent a giant boulder at me. I summoned my efreet and punched the boulder making it break, she used the smaller pieces to make needles and surround me. I jumped in the air and she sent the needles after me but since it was all in a straight line I could block it all.

I landed back down and made a lot of smoke with my blades. She sent random needles into the smoke but luckily none of them hit me. I ran out of the smoke and punched her in the face which stunned her and I took this chance to go behind her and do a suplex which won me the match. I looked to the arua meters and mine was only a quarter down and she was in the red.

There was silence and a few seconds later everybody bursts out in claps and cheers. And Blake shot up from her sleep because of all the noise

Ruby: "You were amazing Y/N !"

Yang: "Good job, I knew you could do it !"

Weiss: "Congratulations on your win"

Glynda: "A very good job indeed Y/N, you didn't hold back did you ?"

Me: "Nope and I assume you didn't too"

Glynda: "Your assumption is correct"

Me: "Alright lets get you to the infirmary shall we ?"

Glynda: "We shall" she says before using me as support and we both went to the infirmary

When we arrived I asked her "Are you gonna be ok ?"

Glynda: "I'm fine Y/N, eventhough with all the damage you did I'll be fine"

Me: "All right then see ya later" I hug her and went to my dorm. I went in and looks like I walked into a conversation they were having

Kratos Male Reader x RWBYDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora