Chapter 1

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*One year ago* (Pretend the conversation is in Japanese. I don't want to use translate for each sentence.)

I was standing under an oak tree enjoying the wilderness of Japan when a woman came over.

???: Hi. How are you?

Shadow: I'm good. How about you?

???: I'm great. This place is calming.

Shadow: I come here to calm my nerves and relax.

???: Me too. I'm Yumiko.

Shadow: Y/N.

Yumiko: What do you for a living?

Shadow: Kind of complicated. I'm not a soldier, but I fight for the bettering of humanity.

Yumiko: You're not a White Mask, are you?

Shadow: No, I kill White Masks. What do you do?

Yumiko: I'm in a counter terrorist unit that the name of can not be disclosed.

Shadow: Cool. I would've joined the SAT, but I'm not big on the whole command thing.

Yumiko: I got used to it. We should hang out sometime.

Shadow: Yeah, definitely. When are you free?

Yumiko: I'm here for the rest of the month and free everyday.

Shadow: What about tomorrow at noon?

Yumiko: Yeah, that's perfect.

Shadow: Where do you want to hang out?

Yumiko: I don't know. I'm not actually from this part of Japan.

Shadow: I can give you my phone number and text you later with a few places.

Yumiko: Yeah, for sure.

We entered our phone numbers in each other's phones and I left back to home.

Mom: How are you?

Shadow: Met this girl while I was at my usual spot. I'm gonna hang out with her tomorrow.

Mom: Does she know who you are?

Shadow: I told her my first name. I'm not super identifiable out of my gear so probably not.

I became great friends with Yumiko and we stayed in contact even when she had to leave for work.

*Present time*

Moving down the hall, I dropped four White Masks and heard footsteps behind me. I turned and before I could do anything, got hit with a sleep dart. Waking up handcuffed to a metal table that was bolted to the floor, I looked around and saw I was in an interrogation room.

'They finally got me.'

A woman with skull face paint on came in and sat down across from me.

???: You must be Shadow, yes?

Shadow: It's displayed on my gear with patches.

???: There's a person here to speak with you before you go to prison.

The door opened and I saw a man with another guard come in the room.

???: Y/N "Shadow" L/N. We've been trying to get to you before the government did and we succeeded. I'm Six, Director of Team Rainbow Six. You have two options here. Join our team or be locked up.

Shadow: You don't have to threaten me to get me to join. I would say yes either way.

Six: Guards, remove the restraints.

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