Extra: The Girls Are Freezing [Oneshot]

Start from the beginning

"Nah, I like the cold." Calista reassured, stretching her arms high above her head. "Besides, unless you want to go back with transparent clothes and distract a certain someone, I suggest you use it."

Yona tilted her head curiously, wondering who she meant and what she was talking about. The other let out a resigned sigh.

"Never mind, just use the thing."

She giggled, but finally did as she was told.

When they got back, they were freezing. Calista was doing a better job hiding it, but Yona's teeth were chattering. Her muscles spazzed in protest as she sat down, and she hugged her knees to her chest.

Jae-ha sidled over to them, grinning slyly. "Why, Yona dear, you look so cold."

"Back off, Droopy-Eyes." Calista swept the princess in her arms, away from the flamboyant green dragon.

"I can keep you warm if you would like." He held out his hand elegantly for Yona to take it. "After all, I cannot allow for a beautiful lady to be shivering like that and not do anything about it."

Yoon rolled his eyes, pausing his cooking to place his hands on his hips. "It doesn't sound as straightforward as it should when you say it."

He held up his hands in surrender, even though he wasn't intimidated at all. If he upset the boy, he wouldn't feed him for days.

"Zeno will keep you warm, Miss!!" The yellow dragon bounded over, eyes crinkling as he beamed at Yona. Out of all of the dragons, he had the most innocent of intentions. Except for maybe for Shin-ah.

"Thanks, Zeno. But I'm alright." Yona gave him a small smile. If Calista could make do, then she would too.

Hak broke through the thicket with the dead carcass of some wild animal she didn't recognize slung over his shoulder.

"Yah, Marshy!! Your princess is cold!!"

He stumbled at her choice of words but regained his footing swiftly. Then, he noted the way the princess was hugging her arms around her knees.

"You don't look much better, Bat-Ears." He raised an eyebrow at her pointedly, handing Yoon the goose he killed.

She puffed out her cheeks. "Shut up!!"

Despite being slightly nervous, Hak approached Yona. She already had his sister's cloak on, so he thought she might be fine, but the closer he looked at her, the more that he wasn't sure. She was still shivering pretty badly.

But as her lavender orbs blinked up at him, he found himself almost crashing into her. He inhaled sharply as she curled into a ball, trying to keep herself warm.

She looks so cute... damn it!!

Yona squeaked in surprise as she was lifted up easily, as if she didn't weigh anything and blushed as crimson as her hair when she was seated on her indifferent bodyguard's lap. Heat immediately encased her, emitting from the man whose body temperature was much higher than hers.

"H-Hak?" She squeaked, caught off guard.

He didn't respond, but simply wrapped his arms around her to warm her up.

"You'll get sick if you play in the water for too long, Princess."

She huffed angrily, turning around in his lap to inform him that they were in fact taking a bath when his hands flew to her hips to stop her.

He released her the instant he realized what he was doing, pressing the back of his hand to his mouth to hide his embarrassment.

It happened so fast that Yona didn't even realize it, continuing to squirm around, completely oblivious to the discomfort she was causing the man underneath her.

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