Lesson 3 - How to be Friends with the Person You Hate

Start from the beginning

"Well, sorry to tell you this, Sia, but you have no choice. Whether you trust me or not, you've got to spend the entire week with me. That is, if you really want your dream of becoming a published author to come true."

Dear Lord. What is with this guy? He doesn't have to rub it in my face! But, as much as I want to admit it, Marc's right. This deal I made with his brother may be my last shot at achieving my dream. Otherwise, it's off to Law school.

We end up in the nearby mall and Marc chooses to have lunch at McDonald's. Really, Marc? McDo? It's not that I dislike fast food or that I'm being picky, but I expected a guy like him to go for places with much more class. Well, whatever... The cheaper the place, the better for my wallet.

After ordering from the counter, both of us going for cheeseburgers, fries, and Coke floats, Marc and I choose a table by the corner of the place and take our seats across each other. I begin to feel embarrassed as I realize that we might look like we're on a date. Of all the people to be with...

"Sia Valencia. 21 years old. Appearance is pretty average: shoulder-length black hair, brown eyes, a height of about 5 feet, 4 inches, an okay complexion. Personality is headstrong. Very impatient and stubborn, but also very hardworking and persistent. She never leaves a job half-done."

What on earth? "Are you trying to insult me? You're..."

Marc holds up a hand. "Wait. I'm not finished yet." He clears his throat and continues, "She's got a short temper. She also hates any form of social communication unless it involves her best friend, Aya Garcia, who happens to be the only person she can properly talk to. However, Sia can get pretty hotheaded when tested, to the point that she would snap at you. Has just recently attained a degree in Creative Writing. Is now desperately working towards getting her story published to prove, not only to her parents but also to herself, that she can make a dream come true. Sia's activities include photography and, of course, creative writing. Oh, and she absolutely sucks at cooking."

"I can go on and on, but I guess that'll do for now," Marc says, shrugging. He makes a grab for a French fry, pops it into his mouth, and then, smiles at me. "Your turn."


"It's your turn," Marc repeats. "Start with my name and tell me everything you know about me. You don't get to refuse. Remember, you have to do everything I tell you."

I don't see the point of this. But whatever... Frowning and crossing my arms, I begin, "Marc Ramirez..."


Oh my God. I can't say anything! Other than his name, I really can't think of anything I know about this guy.

"Well?" Marc asks, raising his eyebrows.

"You're an editor as well as the Distribution Manager at Liberia Publishing Group, and you have a degree in English Literature."

"That's hardly fair. I told you those details yesterday," Marc laughs. "Anything else?"

"You're a jerk!"

"Says who? I'm not a jerk."

Says me. And yes, you most definitely are a jerk. "Why are we even doing this, anyway?"

Marc grins. I appear to have asked the question he was waiting for. "The first task for today is to make a new friend. Namely, me."

What kind of joke is this?

"You're a writer, Sia. You should know that characters are what drive a particular story. They're at the center of whatever you want to write about..."

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