Late Nights

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Y/n grab her purse and double check herself out and smiled, she felt more confident than ever. She opened the door looking Nick, he clean up his beard and wearing a nice button. She caught herself staring and him and looked away. "You ready?" He said smiling hold his hand out and looking down nervously, Sapnap had always been bad at talking to women. Y/n grabbed his hand and as the corners of her mouth moved out, she sprinted down the hallway with the teen. Nick taken by surprise made an audible gasp, but quickly turned into laughter, even though the two were dressed quite sharp didn't mean they had to act like they were.

 Finally the two were at Sapnaps, Y/n had her shoes of already and was panting looking over a Nick she started laughing, Nick looking up at her, hands on his knees looked with confusion written all over it. Nick finally catching his breath looked up, "What's so funny," he questioned grabbing her waist awkwardly Y/n slowly stopped laughing and looked up at him. Y/n lips spread apart as she spoke about was she thought was  so funny, Nick was half way listening and he was distracted by the way the street light hit her freckled face.  

 After a while of the two just talking the decided that a fancy dinner was not the move for them, instead the two drove to the nearest fast food establishment and headed back to Nicks apartment. "Open the door we have a lot of food." Y/n said to Nick as he was fumbling the keys, he grew nervous and then realized, "Dream and George are here." He said looking at her and the realization hit her, "Yea,, so my apartment?" She said putting the food down and opening her small blue purse.  After  Y/h opened the door she put the food down on the table, turned on the LED lights to a light orange and turned on the tv. "Am I hearing a yes to Jigsaw?" Y/n said turning around, not realizing he was right behind her. Y/n started to turn red, but it was hard to tell with the lights, the inch that separated the two created tension.

 Nick looked down at her, his face turning a slight pink as he looked at the smaller girl in front of him. He pushed Y/n hair behind her ear and just simply nodded. Y/n looked into Nick's eyes, they sparkled a bit as he looked at her she found herself slowly getting lost in the taller boys eyes. Soon the tension broke when Y/n accidentally hit something on the remote and music started playing. Y/n jumped back a little and start to laugh a bit, "I- sorry. the food its,, gonna get uh cold." Y/n said as she quickly walked over and started setting the food out. Nick smiled to himself, and turned around helping Y/n set out the food. 

 After a bit they both sat down on the couch and the  movie started playing, Y/n started eating Nick's fries and he started eating her chicken nuggets. Every once in a while Y/n would get spooked my the stupid shit in her own apartment than in the movie. Nick would make fun of her everytime questioning how she would even get scared but something she owns. As the night grew later the two started connecting more.

-After the movie- 

"Ok ok, but have you ever tried just eating a whole lemon by itself. It's so good and the perfect sour !" Y/n said sitting on the wall trying to convince Nick that lemons aren't that sour and are good alone. "No no no, you can't changed my mind about them. Plus  I'm more of a spicy person, it's kinda my brand you know, duh." Nick said talking back to her, Y/n just rolled her eyes and sat down next to him putting her head on his thigh. "You are just plain out weird for that one Nick, like spicy food really?" Y/n said looking up at Nick who had just started playing with her hair, Nick just shook his head no and was humming.

"Hey Nick... I really enjoyed tonight, the simplicity of the date." Y/n said looking at her nails, to nervous to look up at the boy. Nick face flushed a red, he looked down at the Y/n, "I'd choose this over any fancy dinner, any time of day." He said smiling, he grabbed her chin lightly and she started to sit up as Nick had her at a daze. The two were leaning but both stopped, admiring the others eyes with such details. It was 2o'clock in the morning and their hearts were racing as if they had just ran 2 miles. The two streamers started leaning in once again, as their lips met, Nicks hands had cupped Y/n face, and for a couple more second the two kissed. As they pulled away Y/n face was a lobster red, she turned away instantly a her smile was ear to ear. Nick was sitting their, feeling his heart pumping out of his chest, feeling his lips as they seemed softer because of Y/n. 

 "Sleep over?" Y/n said looking at Nick finally, still smiling very wide. 

"Duh." He said pulling her closer to his chest. 

A/N Hi guys !! I'm back to writing now and it feels super great hope y'all have been okay !!

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