Chapter 6-RTF project

Start from the beginning

"On the line!" Slade shouted. Followed by everyone going to said line

"You know I've done this before." Curtis pointed out 

"That's the thing in this there is no bell just you four versus me" Slade them as he pulled out a kendo sword " When ever you're ready, come at me"

"Isn't it a little unfair, that he has a weapon and we don't?" Roy asked as he got into a running stance

"Ehh just go with it " Curtis answered 

"Alright guys just focus. We just need to make Slade fight a war on two fronts me and Helena distract him while you and Curtis ambush Slade" The stated with alot of confidence.

"We're going to fight Slade, and your grand plan is to split up?" Helena asked. As pointed out the flaws in Thea's plan

"My  bad I didn't know you were such a tactician" Thea replied in sarcastic tone

"Well honey I am, so what we're going to do is you three go first and weaken Slade one by one  then I'll finish the job." Helena replied in reaction to this Thea just rolled her eyes and said "Fine."

All four of them run towards Slade with Curtis up front. Slade tries to strike Curtis down with is sword but Curtis dodges it. Curtis then punched Slade in the face but it didn't seem to hurt Slade since he just reacted by kicking Curtis back. Slade then spotted Roy and tried to hit him but Roy did a forward roll to dodge Slade's attack followed by getting behind Slade and put him in a choke hold. Thea took advantage of the situation by taking Slade's sword from him. She then launched a flurry  of attacks with the sword. Slade in retaliation got free from Roy's choke hold and punched right in the face followed by kicking Thea down. Helena then picked upped the sword and started to fight Slade. The fight seemed pretty fair until Slade took the sword back and hit Helena with it leaving her knocked down.

As everyone was getting up Slade stated "I got to admit you all lasted a little less than I expected"

"Maybe if we would've used my planned. We would've lasted longer." said Thea in a annoyed fashion as she directed her attention to Helena 

"Oh please I'm ten times the fighter you'll ever be." Helena stated in a very confrontational tone as she got right in front of Thea's face

"Wanna take this outside" Thea stated

"We're in a training room there's no need to take this outside" said Curtis as he pointed out the flaw in Thea's rebuttal

"Yeah, I mean we're in a bunker. Shouldn't it be let's take this up stairs" said Roy as he laughed at his own joked

As Thea kept eye contact with Helena she said "You're not helping but your right. Lets 1v1."

Both of  them grabbed a bo staff and were ready to fight until Lyla stormed into the room and said "It seems you have a practice run mission." 

"What's happening?" Helena asked before Thea could in a clear attempt to be team leader

"There is going to be an anti Supergirl protest happening at a plaza near Catco. Some rumors say the protest might turn into a riot" Lyla explained.

"Ok fine me, Thea and Roy  will be at the plaza Curtis you'll be in the van looking at  surveillance cameras. Slade you'll be Curtis just in case." Helena said all this in a very team leader way

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