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This chapter is rated M for sexual content.

"Where did you find that moron?" Arthur snarled. They all removed their bandanas as the train kept rolling on. Lilly turned her horse around and galloped back through the trail.

"Do I hafta do everythin'? Get on the god damn train, ya eejits!" Lilly's voice boomed. "Come on boy, hyah!" Lilly got to the other end of the tunnel quickly and stopped her horse at the edge. She slid off just as the train emerged with her bow and arrows and she immediately jumped off the ledge. She landed with a roll on the first covered car and giggled. "Yeah, I still got it," she thought to herself as she put her black bandana over her mouth.

Lilly kept low to the top and crawled towards the back of the car, then she saw Javier, Arthur, and Lenny jump onto the back of the train. Slow pokes. Javier fell off and Lenny was hanging on the side, but Arthur was fine, of course. As Arthur helped Lenny up, Lilly jumped down and hid to the side. She looked in and saw two guards. As she loaded two arrows into her bow, gunshots went off in the distance, so Lilly aimed and let loose each arrow one at a time. The guards were killed instantly. Lilly shut her eyes and huffed in frustration.

"God damn cowboys, just hafta shoot feckin' everybody and cause a feckin' ruckus!" she shouted.

As she tiptoed through the train's interior, she saw two more men jogging to the back of the train. Loading two more arrows, she struck them both one at a time. A third popped out from behind some boxes and tried to hit her but Lilly dropped her weapon and knocked his fist away. Before the man could register the move, Lilly chopped him in the throat. As he went down, she took out her gun and shot him in the head. A growl of defeat rumbled from her throat.

"So much for stealth."

With a heavy sigh, the Irish woman grabbed her bow and ambled to the front. The boys could take care of the other guards Lilly had a train to stop. When she got to the section with black barrels, Lilly already loaded more arrows and hit more men. As she got to the engine car she groaned while walking.

"This shite is too easy, of all the-"

Something metal smacked her right in the face and she went down. Ow. Lilly looked up and saw the engineer hovering over her. He looked horrified. Lilly cackled in amusement. "Ah shite, I jinxed meself!"

"Oh God, I-I'm sorry, miss!" he stammered. "I didn't know you were a lady!"

Lilly cackled again and got up. None of the guards got her but the chivalrous little conductor damn near killed her. "Ya got spunk in ya, sir. Real spunk." Lilly noticed her hat was gone so she looked around for it.

"Miss, I must apologize! I was raised never to strike the fairer sex!"

Lilly laughed at him. This was so god damn funny. She found the hat and put it back on. "Oh, yer fine, sir. Just...if ya want me forgiveness then stop the train," she snickered.

"What? I can't do that."

Lilly sighed and put an arm around his shoulder. She pulled out her knife and held it to his throat. His face went ghostly white. "I like ya, sir. I just killed a whole bunch of those arses and not a single one of 'em managed tah hit me. But you did and ya ain't even a guard, so if ya don't want me tah feel bad fer slicin' yer throat open...stop the train and run away. Okay?"

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