v. whipped podices & angry lares

Start from the beginning

The senators passed through easily. Terminus checked the tattoos on their forearms and called each senator by name. "Gwendolyn, senator, Fifth Cohort, yes. Nico di Angelo, ambassador of Pluto—very well. Reyna, praetor, of course. Hank, senator, Third Cohort—oh, nice shoes, Hank! Ah, who have we here?" 

Camilla and her friends were the last ones. 

"Terminus," Hazel said, "this is Percy Jackson. Percy, this is Terminus, the god of boundaries." 

"New, eh?" the god said. "Yes, probatio tablet. Fine. Ah, weapon in your pocket? Take it out! Take it out!"

Percy took out his pen. 

"Quite dangerous," Terminus said. "Leave it in the tray. Wait, where's my assistant? Julia!" 

Julia, Terminus's six-year-old assistant peeked out from behind the base of the statue. 

"Julia?" Terminus glanced behind him, and Julia scurried in the other direction. Camilla stifled a giggle with her hand. "Where did that girl go?" 

Terminus looked the other way and caught sight of Julia before she could hide. The little girl squealed with delight. 

"Oh, there you are," the statue said. "Front and center. Bring the tray." 

Julia scrambled out and brushed off her dress. She picked up a tray and presented it to Percy. On it were several paring knives, a corkscrew, an oversized container of sun lotion, and a water bottle. 

"You can pick up your weapon on the way out," Terminus said. "Julia will take good care of it. She's a trained professional." 

The little girl nodded. "Pro-fess-ion-al." She said each syllable carefully, like she'd been practicing. 

Percy glanced at Camilla, Frank, and Hazel. 

"The thing is," he said, "the pen returns to my pocket automatically, so even if I give it up—" 

"Not to worry," Terminus assured him. "We'll make sure it doesn't wander off. Won't we, Julia?" 

"Yes, Mr. Terminus." 

Reluctantly, Percy put his pen on the tray. 

"Now, a few rules, since you're new," Terminus said. "You are entering the boundaries of the city proper. Keep the peace inside the line. Yield to chariot traffic while walking on public roads. When you get to the Senate House, sit on the left-hand side. And, down there—do you see where I'm pointing?" 

"Um," Percy said, "you don't have any hands." 

Camilla winced as Terminus's marble face turned a dark shade of gray. "A smart aleck, eh? Well, Mr. Rule Flouter, right down there in the forum—Julia, point for me, please—" 

Julia dutifully set down the security tray and pointed toward the main plaza.

"The shop with the blue awning," Terminus continued, "that's the general store. They sell tape measures. Buy one! I want those pants exactly one inch above the ankles and that hair regulation cut. And tuck your shirt in." 

Camilla cleared her throat. "Thank you, Terminus. We need to get going." 

"Fine, fine, you may pass," the god said testily. "But stay on the right side of the road! And that rock right there—no, Hazel, look where I'm pointing. That rock is entirely too close to that tree. Move it two inches to the left." 

Hazel did what she was told, and they continued down the path, Terminus still shouting orders at them while Julia did cartwheels across the grass. 

Invisible ― Jason GraceWhere stories live. Discover now