Our Journey begins

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(Trigger warning swearing)

As I look around at King's Cross, I peer through the dense crowd of gloomy looking muggles to find my best friend Aurora Roxford, who is probably already on the train, along with all my other friends. Once we arrive at the familiar rusted brick wall my mother exclaims,

"Stop dilly dallying and get a move on!"

I can feel my eyes go to the back of my head when she says this. As I start run towards the brick wall I think to myself,

"You're not going to make it through, the trolley will hit the wall and it will be a catastrophe. Like what happened to Ron Weasley and Harry Potter during second year."

Once I emerge through to the platform, my eyes land on a bold scarlet steam engine with pillars of smoke coming out of it that is as grey as my owl. I stand on my tip toes, searching for the familiar chocolate brown eyes that belonged to my best friend, Aurora. Minutes later I find her and Gracie Gibbs next to their parents.

"Aurora! Gracie!" I squealed, hastily dropping my trolley to hug them, which resulted in a very distressed hoot from my owl, Fiona.

"Isabella! Come on we're meeting Johanna, Caroline, and Katie on the train!" Gracie exclaims. I nod my head and walk over to my parents to say goodbye.

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad! I love you guys!" I pause and watch for a moment as my mom's electric blue eyes start to brim with tears.

"Will you promise to take care James? He is only in first year and he'll need your help getting to know the place. And don't forget to write to me once a week!"

I cautiously nod my head, even though I want to tell my mother to leave me alone. As I walk my brother over to the train we pass by Holden, Sam, Mason, and Dean.

"Hi Isabella."I can hear Dean say but when I try to say something no words come.

"Hi Holden!" I say with a smirk trying to make Dean annoyed

"ISABELLA! STOP IGNORING DEAN WHATEVER-" Before James can say anything else I cover his mouth and can tell that Dean is staring directly at me.

"What did I tell you just because you saw what happened over the summer doesn't mean you get to say ANYTHING!" But before I can say anything else I grab James' hand and yank him over to where Aurora is standing because Ivy was there. It's Ivy's first year as well.

"Hi James!" Ivy bounced around excitedly.

"Hi Ivy, aren't you excited we finally get to go to Hogwarts!" James asked in excitement.

We all laughed when James said this.

"I think we should get on the train, we don't want it to leave without us."

Gracie said, half joking because of what Ivy and James have been saying. Once we board the train Aurora and I get Ivy and James situated with a few other first years. We catch up with Gracie, Johanna, Katie, and Caroline so we can find a compartment. Once we take a seat I realize that we are sharing a compartment with Holden and his friends. I get really pissed but sit down anyways, letting myself relax and listening to the gentle churning of gears hitting the tracks. The train ride seems like it's taking forever, then out of nowhere, Dean decides to speak.

"Hey I have an idea to help the time pass, let's play truth or dare."

I roll my eyes at him.

"C'mon Dean, we're not seven!" Johanna groans.

"Well we don't have to play like we're seven, Johanna. For example, someone told me that Isabella likes Holden." He snickers.

My face turns bright red and I wonder why he would even dare say anything. I mean we fight with each other but I wouldn't think he would do this, but I go along with his little game.

"Fine lets play your stupid game Dean!"

Why am I doing this? I could tell Aurora and Gracie were thinking the same thing because they both gave me a dubious look.

Then Sam opened his mouth.

"Caroline...Truth or dare?" He asks her.

I am biting my nails in anticipation of what is about to happen.

"Um...Truth?" She says with a small quaver in her voice.

Then that bastard Sam gave his friends a mischievous look like they were about to do something really bad.

"Is it true that you kissed Crabbe while you were studying in the Slytherin common room last year?" Oh my god I completely forgot about that, and I even witnessed the entire thing!

Caroline sighed.

"Yes it's true everyone, I kissed Crabbe and I still regret it! Also, if it makes you feel any better it was my first kiss Sam!" She finishes while rolling her eyes. She sighs again and lays her head on Johanna's shoulder.

Wait a second, I have one! I think.

"Holden...Truth or dare?''

I turn to him, trying not to turn red. I simultaneously realize that Dean has been staring at me this entire time. He's so weird, I think to myself.

"Dare!" He says, puffing out his chest and looking all proud of himself for doing the lamest thing possible.

"Ok...I dare you to reveal who you like!"

I know everyone is giving me a concerned look, which is some kind of unholy combination of She's insane, or He doesn't like you, get over it.

"Fine, I'll do it. But just so you know, I have never told anyone." He turns around, gulps nervously and mutters "I like you." We all turn to see who he is looking at and I am shocked, no not shocked, furious at who he is looking at.

Until the Very End (Co-writer - A_Gryffindork)Where stories live. Discover now