Jily Oneshot: When Hell Freezes Over

Start from the beginning

"Well, McKinnon is always laughing at some sort of shit and Meadows giggles like a crackhead half the time so your fly was probably undone, mate," Sirius reasons.

"They could be laughing at someone else though, Prongs," Peter pipes up.

"Or they could be laughing at Lily," Remus offers quietly. "You never know."

"Just forget it, guys. I'm going to bed. We've got that Quidditch game against the Slytherins tomorrow. Our biggest worry is McLaggen stealing the beater's bat again."

"If he does that again, I'm gonna snap his neck in two and kick him into next week," growls Sirius.

"I'll kick him in the crotch for good measure too," adds James.

"Oh, just shut the hell up and go to bed, you two," snaps Remus.


James awoke the next morning at the crack of dawn to the sound of birds singing and the golden sun lighting up the pink sky and peeking through the curtains of the nearby window, illuminating his face. He throws his blanket off and gets up, yawns, and stretches his arms and legs before changing into his crimson and gold Quidditch robes. James pushes his glasses on his face and glances at the calendar. October 31st, 1977. He makes his way down the stairs and into the common room, clutching his copy of Quidditch Through the Ages.

James sits on his favorite armchair and nervously stares out the window while he absentmindedly bounces his foot, too nervous too read, and waiting for nothing in particular.

"'Morning, James," greets Lily as she climbs down the stairs from the girls dormitory. "What are you doing here so early?" James look up from the window to see the fiery redhead sitting a few feet away from him wearing leggings and a Gryffindor jumper, her emerald green eyes still puffy with sleep with a book clutched in her hands.

"Couldn't sleep," he stammers, hoping that she can't hear his hammering heartbeat. He never got used to seeing her enter a room. Whenever he saw her, he forgot all about the war raging around them. He forgot that he would be in the real world fighting in less than a year. Everybody else in the room just vanished the second she slipped into a room. He couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was with her wavy, soft, auburn hair and her clear bright eyes that sparkled when she laughed. And her personality. She was intelligent with the wittiest answers and didn't take shit from anybody. James could stare at her all day and it was in that moment that he realized that she was the only one for him. He also realized he was staring. Fuck. "How about you? Why are you here so early?"

"I normally wake up around this time," she chirps merrily. "You excited for the Quidditch match? We've finally got a really good team this year. All we need to do now is kick McLaggen off!"

"Erm, yeah," James chuckles awkwardly. "Listen, Lily, I'd better go make sure Sirius is up. He might sleep through the game and we don't have a reserve beater."

"Okay. See you around then, James!" Lily smiles.

"Later, Evans!" James returns the grin, practically glowing on the inside with happiness. She called him James. Sure, they were friends and were on first-name terms most of the time, but his heart back-flipped every time he heard his name come out of her mouth. He climbs back up the steps and into the dormitory trying to hide the grin on the face as he jumps on Sirius's bed to wake him.


Lily watched James's figure disappear up the stairs and slumps in her armchair with a sigh and rests her face in her hands. They were just friends, so she wasn't supposed to feel her heart jump every time James walked into a room. She wasn't supposed to want to kiss him when she saw him. She wasn't supposed to stare at him during class instead of taking notes. What was wrong with her?

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