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Three weeks had passed after that long evening

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Three weeks had passed after that long evening. The group had spent the whole night and part of the next morning in the emergency room before they could be transferred to their rooms. No one of them talked for the whole stay at the hospital and not only because they were in different rooms.

The sense of uneasiness and sadness weighted in their chests, their eyes were empty and glassy and their minds absent, even when policemen bombarded them with questions about those imaginary burglars that Joo-Hyuk had talked about.

As expected, Kihyun was the one with the most serious injuries, he needed numerous stitches to close the gash in his stomach and on his cheek. Notwithstanding being safe, the doctors decided that the three guys couldn't see Kihyun yet. What the oldest male of the group needed the most, at that moment, was rest and tranquillity. Exposing him to the recent and still fresh trauma was too dangerous, for him. Luckily, he had woken and remembered everything that happened, his brain lucid enough to hurt Yeosang and Joo-Hyuk.

Joo-Hyuk, in the end, being the asshole he was, pretended to be passed out during the whole fight, that evening, too scared to face that "dick-sucking demon" as he called it. Thanks to his poor strategy (and cowardice) he had earned only a few scratches and a close punch from Yeosang if it wasn't for Jieun who stopped the youngest.

Jieun never stopped sobbing, no matter how hard she tried to. She in the first place knew that crying was useless, yet she couldn't repress those strong hiccups. She felt as if all of that happened because of her, it was her fault, in her opinion. Though, no one had the blame, except for the three guys that had decided to play with the Ouija board, confident that it was just a replica.

The girl had asked all the doctor that appeared in her sight to see Kihyun, Yeosang and Joo-Hyuk but they only let her visit the last two males and just like minutes before being treated, they almost fought. Apparently, Yeosang was angry because the black-haired male did nothing to avoid all those injuries on Kihyun, rather he had preferred to pretend to be passed out to not attract the demon's attention.

Joo-Hyuk on the other hand was frightened of Yeosang, considering him cursed and a hazard for everyone around him. What annoyed the youngest male the most, moreover, was the fact that Joo-Hyuk didn't want to own up that it was his fault since he was the one who forced Yeosang and Kihyun to take part in that ritual.

Yeosang was shocked and disappointed. The wave of realization hit him right in his face and dripped in his body. Until that moment, he thought that the Succubus wasn't dangerous, that it was just one of those minor and unknown demons without powers. Instead, it turned out to be one of the most powerful and evil creatures existing, since they could look like a human in everything and that it could kill you without you even noticing it.

He couldn't believe he had exposed his friends and Jieun to such a hazard. What cheered him a little was the fact that they were all alive and safe. However, he was craving for some explanations, especially from the girl and Kihyun that looked to be the most suited in the topic.

𝐒 𝐔 𝐂 𝐂 𝐔 𝐁 𝐔 𝐒 | ᴋᴀɴɢ ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢ [𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘶𝘣𝘶𝘴]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora