24.1 || Battle of the Titans

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CALE BROKE FROM his stupor first. He took a step forward, placing himself between Aharon and them, and raised his sword. "You're going to tell me what's going on," he said, "or we are going to see how you fare against a sword weaponless."

Aharon smiled, far too relaxed given the threat. "I am more than willing to explain, but I do suggest that we get moving while I speak. Moshe is still in danger."

Cale hesitated, and Aharon's expression softened.

"I believe the ones you seek are with the ones who attack him. The Paladin leader and a young boy, correct?"

Josh stood straighter, his doubts and confusion tossed out the window. Eli was close, or at least within the same temple with them. They didn't have time to stand around being careful. He took a step forward, mouth opening to demand they hurry, but a hand on his forearm brought him up short.

Mara met his gaze and gave a tiny shake of her head.

"Alright," Cale said, and Mara grinned, almost knowingly. "The moment anything you say or do doesn't seem right, though, we will fight. If you really are the Aharon who created this dimension, you've not done much to make it seem you want us alive."

"I will explain that as well," Aharon said. He chuckled. His continued lightness should have been irritating given the situation, but something lurked beneath the easy laughter and smiles that made Josh's insides prickle with worry.

"Now then," Aharon went on. "Let's make haste. This way, young Paladins." He gestured for them to follow and jogged to the door on their left.

With a quick glance amongst themselves, Josh and the others ran after him. "Let me be up front," Josh murmured as they circled the room to the door.

Cale shot him a questioning brow. "I feel much better now. I'll be fine."

"But I have the shield," Josh countered. "It's easier for you to hurry around me and counterattack than it is for me to jump in front of you with my shield."

A pause, followed by a sigh. "Fine, but I need you to react the moment I give an order."

"Of course." Josh grinned, but Cale shot him an unconvinced stare as he passed.

Aharon examined each of them when they stepped into the hallway. It was the same as the others they'd traveled, but the dragonheads provided brighter illumination, making it appear less grey and intimidating.

"There aren't any more traps past that room," Aharon said when they reached him. He fell into step beside Josh. "If I hadn't sent the reaper away, you were to die in there."

"Comforting," Cale grumbled.

Aharon winced. "Apologies, but if I wish for you to trust me, I believe I should be wholly honest."

"Thank you," Mara said, and Cale grunted a quiet grumble. When Josh glanced back, he saw Cale rubbing his forearm. "Why were you a child? And how did you get the reaper to go away?"

Aharon licked his lips, thick brows furrowed. "If you are here, I'm going to assume you know these dimensions are seals for Lucien and Sheol. My brother and I—turn left here." He pointed to an intersection up ahead, and then he restarted. "My brother and I oversee this dimension. First, I need you to understand, nobody is supposed to be in these dimensions, whether they be Shadow Knight, Sage, or Paladin."

Josh frowned. "But you're a Paladin, too. You should be on our side."

A bitter edge touched Aharon's upturned lips. "I am on the side of the Paladins, but not all Paladins are on mine. Betrayal occurs, and it would be foolish of my brother and me to give someone full reign in this dimension because of their current elemental alignment."

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