Watching (Dream)

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My eyes opened slowly as I turned to the blaring noise coming from my phone. I picked up my phone and shut off the alarm, my ears thanking me immediately. I laid in bed for another half hour, not wanting to move right away. I had so much shit to do today. I had promised my stream that I'd be doing an eight hour charity livestream today, and it starts in two hours. I have two hours to stock up on food and drinks, and to figure out what the hell I'm going to do for eight whole hours.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. My roommate, Cassidy, was already awake and typing on her computer. "Morning cutie" she said, eyeing the rats nest on top of my hair.

"Morning." I grumbled, grabbing some coffee. I whipped up a cup with some cream and sugar, and plopped down on the couch next to her. "I need ideas for what I'm gonna be doing for the stream" I said, taking a sip.

"I mean, you can start with just hanging out and talking about the charity, then I'd get into playing games. I actually was just watching this guy named George play Minecraft, maybe you could play Minecraft." She said with a shrug.

"I suck at Minecraft. Like, I am so fucking bad at it, Cass."

"So make it funny! Make it called '(Y/N) Learns to Play Minecraft'. I'd watch the hell out of it. I could teach you!" She squealed, shuttling her laptop with sudden excitement.

"Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I can't just play Minecraft for eight hours straight, but that can be the main part I guess. I could do like a chill hangout part for an hour, then play something like fall guys or a rage game for two hours, then we can eat lunch and answer questions, THEN do Minecraft" I said, making a mental note of the loose agenda.

Cassidy nodded her head. "That's actually pretty solid. I'd watch it" I smiled and sipped my coffee more. "Oh, I got up early and bought you food for today."

"God bless you Cassidy Nelson, what would I do without you." I squeezed her into a hug. That's one less thing I have to do.

I started the shower, grabbed a towel, and got in. I only have an hour, so I need to be dressed and ready in a half hour so I can set up.

I picked out a casual outfit, then did my makeup. I wanted to look natural, but still done up. With a half an hour to go, I started setting everything up on Twitch. I made the stream a waiting lobby type thing, and I had about 300 viewers right now all typing in the chat.

Finally, I sat in my chair and put on my headphones. I unlocked the stream, and my eight hours began.

"Are we good? I think we're live. What's up everybody!" I said enthusiastically. I was flooded by people saying hi and random shit. "So I think we can just have a hangout stream for about an hour, then we'll play a few games. Then have a little mukbong and answer your twitter questions, then I'm going to play a game I've been avoiding for years. Minecraft." I said dramatically.

So many chats came through like "YESSS" or "lol dont you suck at it". I smirked at everyone's replies.

"Yeah, I suck at it, but my best friend and roommate Cassidy is going to teach me how. Cass! Come say hi!" I yelled out. I heard her run over to my door.

"Hello! Yeah I'm gonna teach her how to play Minecraft, which is quite pitiful she never learned." Cassidy said, smirking at me.

"Hey! How do I know you're any good, huh? Just 'cause you watch this George guy?" I said, poking her in the side.

"Okay, I don't just watch George, I also watch Dream, who is literally the best Minecraft player there is." She explained. The chat was going wild, instantly agreeing with her. I rolled my eyes and Cass pulled up a chair. We talked about the charity we were donating to, and how the goal was $10,000. The hour of talking went by quick, and the gaming and eating went by even faster. Soon enough, Cassidy was streaming too and teaching me how to play Minecraft.

Dream/Georgenotfound One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now