1. The Offer

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I wish I didn't have to do this... As I sat in the back of the limousine, I stared out of the car windows through my sunglasses, watching the cherry blossom trees pass by as we went. My music was blaring through my headphones into my ears from my iPod, a black case on my shoulder and the strap clutched in my fist. I had begged mother to wait and let me start next semester, but she had her heart set on right now, especially since she didn't want me at home for the next couple of months doing nothing except modeling for her. You see, my mother is a world famous fashion designer and so she decided that her only daughter would get to be top model for everything she makes. I didn't want to, but she made me anyways. I just do it to please her so she can be happy, especially ever since my father died when I was very young...

Being so spaced out, I didn't even notice we had entered a gate until the limo stopped. I looked over to the window again to see the large school before my car door was opened. Stepping out, I was revealed to be wearing my favorite, greyish jean shorts; a blue, spaghetti strap tank top with frilly straps; and black flats. My long, chocolate brown hair was pulled up into two ponytails, my piercing blue eyes shielded by my black sunglasses over my eyes. "Thanks, Jeremy."

"Any time, Ms. Shinozaki." The driver said before I went on my way, blowing a large bubble from the mint gum in my mouth.

Looking around, I saw a bunch of girls in modest looking, dandelion-colored dresses, white tights, and black shoes, a magenta bow in the center of the collar on the dress. I looked around and saw the boys wearing blue over coats on top of white, collared shirts, black ties, black pants, and black shoes. I think I like the boy outfit better already, and I'm a girl... Normally I'll wear my hair in a simple high ponytail, but I guess it works in two with this particular outfit today. As I entered the main building, I approached the desk, placing my arm on top of it as a middle aged looking woman looked up at me, pushing her glasses up on her nose.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"I'm new here and need my schedule." I answered before blowing another bubble, popping if before sucking it back into my mouth, putting my sunglasses away.

"Very well. Name?"


She started typing. "Here you are. Ms. Azumi Shinozaki. Oh, you're the new transfer from California, the fashion designer's daughter, right?"

"That's me."

"I've heard a lot about you and seen you in several magazines. Just let me print your schedule and you can be on your way to your trial classes, all right?"

"Sure." I said.

Seconds later, the woman jaded me my schedule. "There you go. All of your photography and vocal classes are in order of how you wished them to be. Most of your classes are close by to each other, so you shouldn't get lost that easily."

"Thanks." I said, putting my schedule in my bag.

"No problem. Oh, and one more thing. The Ouran Highschool Host Club is just down this hall. Take a left and then the second right and head to Music Room #3. That's where they are. Until then, have a nice day."

"You too." I said before leaving.

The thought of wearing those stupid dresses just made me physically ill, but mother said they looked fine. To me, I'd sooner burn them then then wear it... I rounded the second right and was looking for Music Room #3. When I found it, I approached the door, knocking on it. When there was no answer, I pushed the door open and entered as I was faced with an...interesting sight.

"Hm? Hey, Kyoya! We have a new student!" A blonde boy called with deep, indigo eyes.

The one with glasses, jet black hair, and a clipboard and pen in his hands looked up to see me. He straightened his classes before looking in my direction. "Oh, she's quite the looker too."

"I think she's cute."

"I think she's adorable." Two twin boys with light, auburn hair said, standing back to back with each other.

The tallest of them all was just quiet as he stared at me, as of examining me. "She's really cute!" The shorter blonde with brown yes and a pink bunny in his arms said with a childish smile.

"I think she looks fine, for an ordinary girl." The one with brown hair and brown eyes said from in a chair.

The one with glasses came over to me. "You must be the new transfer student."

"Yeah. I was told to come check this out."

"Welcome to the Ouran Highschool Host Club. I'm the leader, Tamaki Suoh."

"I am the vice and in charge of money and other things. My name is Kyoya Ootori."

"I'm Hikaru--"

"--And I'm Kaoru!"

"And we're the Hitachiin Twins!"

"Takashi Morinozuka. Just call me Mori." The tallest said.

"I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but everyone calls me Honey!" The blonde said, tossing his bunny in the hair before catching if and hugging it tightly.

"And I'm Haruhi Fujioka."

"Azumi Shinozaki."

"As in Laura Shinozaki's daughter?" I'm guessing Kaoru asked; I'm pretty sure Kaoru is the one with the slightly higher voice than Hikaru...

"That's right."

"Your mother sure knows how to design fashion!" Hikaru said happily.

"So let's see if I got this..." I said, pointing to one of them. "Tamaki, the leader, Kyoko, Mori, Honey, Kaoru, Hikaru, and Haruhi. Did I get that right?" I asked, pointing to each one as I named them.

"Correct!" The twins said.

I looked at Haruhi. "You're a girl."


"You're a girl." I repeated.

"And where do you get that from?" Haruhi asked.

"No guy has a name like "Haruhi," you have feminine facial features, feminine eyes, and your voice doesn't sound like a guy at all. Need I go on?"

"Fair enough." She smiled as she stood, walking over to me. "You're smarter than I thought you'd be. Where are you from again?"


"A Palm-Girl?" Tamaki asked.

"Yup. Anyways, if that's all, I'll be on my way." I turned to leave until someone called out to me.


I looked back as Tamaki came running towards me, Haruhi stepping out of the way. "You're a model, right?"


"Why don't you join us?"


"Why don't you join the Host Club with us. It'll be interesting to have a girl that actually looks like one to be in the Host Club."

"I look like a boy for my own reasons, Tamaki, just so you know." Haruhi pointed out before going to sit back down.

"Why would I join exactly?"

"It'll be fun! You get paid for entertaining the ladies, but in your case, the other boys here at Ouran."

"But I thought the Host Club was only for boys." I stated, placing my hand on my hip.

"Well I'm the boss and I can change the rules!"

Kyoya tapped his pen on his chin before smirking. "We can give her the shirt, jacket, and tie, now all she needs are shoes, some stockings, and a pair of black shorts, but preferably a black skirt." He said, spinning his pen in his hand.

I thought for a moment. "I think I can arrange those for you."

"So you'll join?" Tamaki asked hopefully.

"After my trial classes are over. I'll try it out to see if I actually like it before I choose anything." I said. "Anyways, unless you're going to show me to my classes, I'll be making my leave now. See ya, Haruhi, boys."

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