2. Rivals

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It was my second day at Ouran as my trial classes officially began. I only had to do them for two days and then if I liked them, it would be permanent. For now, since I'm not an actual student, I could wear my own clothes. Today I decided to wear a pair of blue shorts; a white tank top; black vest; black thigh highs; and my black flats, my hair in a single high ponytail. As I was on my way to the courtyard, as it was free time, I ran into three girls. The one in the middle, as I assumed was the leader, wore the uniform dress and everything as she had bright, blonde hair that was curled. I knew she was faking a smile as she gave me the same one I always used along with her hand out to me.

"Hi there! You must be the new student."

"Yeah. I'm Azu--"

"Azumi Shinozaki. I know who you are. I've seen you in plenty of magazines and in your mother's fashion shows. I'm Meiko Kuro and the most popular girl in school."

Can I just punch this girl in the face already? She's starting to become very annoying... "Right... Well I should be going no--"


"Hm?" I turned around to see Tamaki running towards me.

He was out of breath as he leaned over to catch it back before standing up straight. "You forgot this."

I looked down at his hand to see a small, blue pouch. "Oh. My lunch money for the week. Thanks." Taking the pouch, I put it in my bag.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to ask you this earlier, but you have a camera, right?" I set my bag down and nodded.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well Kyoya wanted me to ask of you could take pictures of the Host Club. He'll explain everything later, but he wanted me to ask if you could."

"Sure. If I had to guess though, I'd say it's for each of you hosts since you're all different."

"Yeah! You're good at that."

"Anyways, if that's all, I'll be on my way. See ya, Tamaki." He nodded and took off. But when I reached for my bag, it was gone! "What the!? My bag! Where'd it go!?"

Okay, calm down, Azumi. Think. Who could've taken your bag just out of the blue like that? I thought for a moment... Then it hit me. Meiko! What the hell? Why would she want my bag? Then I reverted talking with Tamaki. She must've been jealous. "Hmm... She said she was the most popular in the school, so...she must think that I like Tamaki and he likes me and that must've pissed her off. If better find my camera though and my microphone too!"

Taking off down the halls, I searched everywhere in that building, coming up with nothing. As I ran, I thought of possible things where it could be. Classroom? No. Lunchroom? Uh-uh. Closet? No way, too easy. Courtyard? Maybe... Then I remembered what my stuff has a weakness against: water. The fountain! That has to be it, but which one? Maybe the main one since everyone goes to that one... I ran as fast as my legs could go, rounding corners until I was outside. I saw the fountain and a strap hanging out of it. In a panic, I ran to it to see my bag in it. Ripping my shoes and stockings off, I climbed in the fountain and pulled my bag out, my bag drenched in water...

After taking it out, I took out what was still in it which was my folders with some papers in it. Good thing I had waterproof folders, so my papers didn't get wet. I took out everything from my bag and set it on the ground to start drying out before searching around. There's my microphone. At least that was waterproof too, but my cord is screwed... Well, I have another one, so I don't need to worry. I then went searching for my camera. Ah! There you are! Reaching down, I grabbed it and shook it as water flew off of it before setting it back down. But now where's my pouch with my lunch money for the week? At least k made sure it was sealed and waterproof so my money wouldn't get ruined... Urgh! Where is it?

"Azumi? What are you doing in the fountain?"

I looked over to see Tamaki as he came towards me. "Oh, umm, I'm looking for my pouch with my money in it for the week."

"Why is your bag and everything all wet?" He asked.

"I dropped it, I guess."

Tamaki gave me that look anyone would when they know you're lying through your teeth. "No you didn't. What really happened?"

A sigh escaped my lips. "After you left, someone took my bag and threw it in the fountain. My microphone cord is ruined, but I have another one. Everything else is fine, but I can't seem to find my pouch." I said before searching around again, but suddenly, I slipped and fell, water going everywhere as I was now drenched in water.

Before I knew it, Tamaki climbed into the fountain. He took off his socks and shoes but didn't took up his pants as he held his hand out to me. "Are you okay?" Looking up, I brushed my wet bangs out of my eyes before taking his hand, Tamaki helping me back to my feet. "Now you're soaking wet, Azumi..."

I shrugged. "I'm more worried about my pouch. I have to find it before my money gets ruined." Tamaki nodded as we both started searching.

"Is this..." Tamaki stood as I did the same. "...what you're looking for?" He asked as he held up my blue pouch.

I smiled. "My pouch! You found it! Thank you so much, Tamaki!" Tamaki smiled as he handed it to me. After setting the pouch down, I gave him a big hug, and then remembered I was still soaking wet, but Tamaki wrapped his arms around me.

"You're welcome, Azumi."

I then pulled away from him, blushing slightly. "I'm sorry, did I get your clothes wet?"

"Not much. Just a little, but I'll dry."

"Tama-chan! Azu-chan!" Honey called as we both looked over to see them.

Azu-chan? Interesting. That's a new one.

Haruhi came over to us. "Are you two okay?" She asked.

Tamaki nodded as he climbed out of the fountain, helping me out next. "Someone threw Azumi's bag in the fountain and ruined the cord for her microphone."

"But it's okay because I have another." I said. "But I should probably go change my clothes and go dry my bag..."

"Come on, I'll help you." Haruhi offered.

"Thanks, Haruhi." I said before grabbing my bag as we headed off.

After I had changed my clothes and my bag was dry, I went off to class. But one thing is for sure: Meiko sure does hate me, but the feeling is neutral towards her as well...

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