Arthur's Plan S2 E2

Start from the beginning

Arthur glared at the two of us before resting his gaze on Merlin.

"Grab my bag, will you?" He asked Merlin, but it came out as more of an order.

"If you want to pass as a peasant, you should probably carry your own bag," Merlin said, handing the bag over to Arthur.

"You're forgetting something, Merlin. No one will know it's my bag," Arthur countered, chucking the bag over at us, making us jump apart to stop us from being hit.

"There must be easier ways to prove yourself," Merlin said, picking up the bag and grabbing my hand.

"Shut up, Merlin!" Arthur, who had started to walk away, yelled back. "And keep your hands off my sister!"

"Hang on a minute," I whispered to Merlin before quickly letting go of his hand to pick up several sticks. I then ran back over to Merlin re-grabbed his hand and started to chuck the sticks at the back of Arthur's head.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, turning back round to face us. Quickly, I hid the sticks behind my back. Merlin and I gave him an innocent smile. "For God's sake," He muttered when he saw us holding hands again. As soon as he turned around again, I began chucking the sticks at him again and continued to do this for the whole way back into the village.

As soon as I had gotten into the village, a guard had come and told me that I was needed in the great hall.

"Is everything alright?" I asked as I walked into the hall.

Father shushed me and gestured over to a man in the middle of the room.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Kelda, Princess," The man introduced, giving me a curt bow.

"What is your business here?"

"What's what he was going to tell us but you keep interrupting," Father snarled at me.

"I was there in person. Odin has put a price on Prince Arthur's head," Kelda announced before I could retaliate.

"Surely he wouldn't dare," Father muttered.

"He is blinded by grief, My Lord. The assassin Myror has accepted the bounty," Kelda continued, as father began to pace.

"I've heard of this Myror," I said. He was said to be one of the most vicious assassins alive. Every single one of his targets ended up dead, no matter who they were.

"I believe he's heading for Camelot as we speak. I bring you this information at great risk to myself," Kelda said.

I watched as father gestured to one of the guards to hand him a small bag of money. Kelda bowed to my father then to me and left the room.

"Double the guards. I want this assassin intercepted before he reaches Camelot," Father said to the guards, who left immediately.

"Do you think he'll get here?" I asked.

"No. I will make sure of it. I don't want any harm coming to Arthur," Father replied, walking out of the hall leaving me alone.

I didn't want to burden Arthur or Merlin with this news so I pushed it to the back of my mind and went back down to Gwen's where Arthur would be staying.

When I got there, Merlin and Arthur were having a hushed argument about God knows what and Gwen seems to already be making Arthur some food.

"Honestly? You've been here--what? One minute-- and you already need food," I smirked, as I shut the door behind me.

"I need my energy if I am to fight well in the tournament," Arthur replied, taking off his cloak.

"Huh," I said, going over to stand by Merlin.

"What did the guard want?" Arthur asked me.

"Oh, that. Nothing important," I shrugged casually, but I could sense Merlin raising an eyebrow at me. "How are the preparations coming along?" I changed the subject quickly.

"That's a good point. Have we found someone to play our knight in the tournament?" Arthur asked, looking through one of Gwen's cupboards.

"Absolutely," Merlin replied a little to quickly. "He's a farmer in one of the outlying villages, and no one will recognise him."

"But does he look the part?" Arthur asked. I turned to Merlin, who looked unsure and wasn't trying to hide it.

Merlin brought out a man who was caked from head to toe in dirt and looked as though he hadn't had a bath or anything like it in a year. From the corner of my eye I could see Arthur looking at the man in disapproval.

"Great," Arthur muttered, sending a glare in Merlin's direction.

Arthur and I sat by the table and watched how Merlin and Gwen changed the man, William, from a dirty farmer to a clean nobleman. It really was an impressive transformation.

"Nice one," I smiled at Merlin, who gave me a subtle mocking bow and a wink. He then turned back to William and presented him with a seal of nobility.

"From now on, you're Sir William of Daira," Merlin said before coming over and standing beside me. We all turned to watch William practise his royal walk but it made him look like a complete moron. "Imagine you're really..."

"Arrogant?" I suggested.

"Exactly. Knights like to think that they're so much better than everyone else," Merlin finished.

"It's not arrogance. Ignore them, they're idiots," Arthur said harshly, making me look over at a smiling Merlin. "A Knight must behave with honour and nobility."

William then straightened up his back and started to strut around the room just like I had seen Arthur doing when he thought no one was watching.

"That's... better," Arthur said, though he still sounded unsure.

"Oh, it looks perfect. It's just like looking in a mirror. Don't you agree Arthur?" I smirked.

"Shut up," Arthur replied before turning back to William. "You must convince everyone that you were born into a noble family."

William then turned to look over at Merlin, who was examining his nails.

"Polish my armour, boy," William demanded, causing Merlin to look up at him and me to raise an eyebrow.

"Now you're getting the hang of it," Arthur laughed, pointing at him.

"Although, I must add that even though you are of nobility, you shouldn't treat people like that. Manners wouldn't hurt," I spoke up.

"Polish my armour, boy, please," William corrected, making me give him a small smile.

"There you go," I said.

"Either way works. Though he does have a good point, you do need to polish our armour," Arthur said to Merlin.

"Yeah," William added before laughing to himself.

1540 Words

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