A Walking Ball

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It was an casual day, sun out, dinosaurs screaming, I'm just kidding but on a serious note we were at the park playing basketball. It was a 3 on 3 the score was 1 to 6 in the second game and we were up 5, oh and to remind you we won the first game. It was game point for my team. My teammate took the ball from the top of the key, in other words the half court line. I received the ball, I dribbled 3 times constantly on one hand, then I went between the legs 2 times. The opposite team knew it was over, they started screaming, "ohh man" I said, "let me finish this really quickly." I did my last signature move, the step back, and I shot the ball from very close to the half court line. Everyone was eyeballing the ball going going down through the court, only 2 seconds in the air, and it went in. I had everyone shocked, even myself. After the game was over we walked down to the shade where all the drinks were, we literally drunk one bottle after another. It was so hot that day, and exciting at the same time. It was exciting the whole day because I went home from the park and won all the games that I've played that day.

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