"yes! for all those things!" he replied

"shove your apology" you say and turn to leave


"do you even realise the severity of what happened last year? people died Draco, kids! innocent kids!" you say looking him in the eye

"that was going to happen anyway, me telling you about the whole thing wouldn't have saved anyone" he shot back

"you didn't even warn me about the whole thing, not even a little hint.. i could have died and you just didn't care" you say quietly, reliving the entire thing all over again, remembering the night he told you he didn't love you.

"i didn't get a chance to-"

"don't give me that bullshit, you knew for months that war was going to happen that year, you had plenty of opportunities" you snap "i understand the difficult position you were in okay? i do, but treating me like shit was not the way to go about it"

"you didn't think i wanted to tell you? i did!" Draco replied his face filled with desperation

"so then why didn't you?!" you ask raising your voice a little

he looked at you for a moment before sighing "i was going to, before i broke up with you i had written a letter thinking it was the best option but my father found it and we got into an argument, he accused me of picking you over him and my mother, saying i would ruin the whole thing. he threatened me and said if i even told you a little bit of what they were planning, he'd go straight to Voldemort and have you killed"

you pause for a moment, taking in what he had just said

"my mother found out what he had said and they argued the entire night before she came to me and we talked, i told her i couldn't just leave you with no warning, she said as much as she disagreed with my father, he was right. if Voldemort found out i had given you insight on what was coming, he would have killed me and you, she begged me not to say anything, she said that this way we would both have a fighting chance to survive, a chance to be free"

your mind was whirling around, unable to grasp his side of the story "you can't be certain he would have found out"

Draco stepped closer to you and sighed "he would have baby, he had eyes everywhere, i'm sorry, i was trying to do the right thing, trying to keep you safe. even if that did mean breaking your heart and learning to hate you over loving you"

you stood in silence, not really knowing what to say. you could see why he did it, you didn't want to but you did

"i know that i hurt you. i'll make it up to you even if you won't let me. i have to make things right" he says finding your silence unnerving

"i just need to think, i can't do this right now" you whisper not being able to think straight, every story you made up in your head to make yourself feel better has just been blown out the window leaving you blank

"do you believe me at least?" he asks as you turn away

you stop and glance back at him and give him a small nod before walking away.

you immediately go to speak to Aimee about the whole situation, she told you to at least try to forgive him, that his intentions seemed to be in the right place even if he was an ass about it, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

you eventually spoke to him again about the whole situation, explaining that he very nearly broke you and because of that it wouldn't be easy to forgive him easily but you would try.
he promised that he would make it up to you one way or another and he wouldn't give up.

it had been a few months since Draco came clean about what had happened and at the moment he was rebuilding your trust from square one. as friends, which you were more comfortable with anyway and he kept to his word.

at first he sent you a singular rose with some chocolates every day until you properly started to speak to him again

after you both got over the awkward stage you both started to get your friendship back on track, like how things were before you dated and you were both happier than you were at the start of the year

however you didn't realise that Draco was head over hills for you all over again and you were   ignoring the fact that you were beginning to realise your feelings for him never really went.

you were both sat by the Black Lake talking and enjoying each other's company

although you had both been silent for a while now both of you deep in thought which Draco eventually broke

"you kept the ring" he says suddenly noticing the silver band on your finger

"i forgot it was there to be honest i'm so used to wearing it" you shrug to which Draco fell silent again as a wave of guilt and regret washed over his face

"i'm losing my mind y/n" he says quietly

you look at him in confusion
"what do you mean?"

"every time i try to sleep or study, i constantly just re live the day we broke up and i hate myself for it" he replies looking at you

you sigh "Draco i've already forgiven you just let it go, you didn't really have much of a choice"

"how can i? i was so scared of losing you that i was stupid enough to not hide that letter better to make sure no one found it, made myself believe i didn't love you all because of him" he says "i lied y/n. i fucking lied. i lied to myself and you and that was wrong. i did love you. i was so in love with you. like i still am now"

"Draco.." you begin

"i'm so sorry you don't deserve someone like me you never did. anyone else wouldn't have left you the way i did. left you alone to fight in that war. it was so wrong of me" he continued

"you were scared, i understand why you did it" you tell him

"which is exactly the reason why i shouldn't have left you! i should have protected you not run away to the opposite side! you are the best thing that ever happened to me" he says "you know the only reason i came back this year was because of you"

"i'm happy you did come back" you smile

"i just want to be happy but the only way i can do that is with you" he says

"what are you saying?" you ask your heart beating so fast you're scared it might just come out

"you're the love of my life y/n and i don't want this life if you're not in it" he says gently taking my hand pulling you closer to him, ending up on his lap

you smile and put your arms around his neck
"i love you too Draco"

and with that he wastes no time and kisses you gently on the lips to which you eagerly kiss him back. the butterflies in your stomach going crazy as you're lips love in sync.

Draco got you back and this time he made a promise to himself that he wasn't ever going to let you go ever again.


AWH 🥰🥰🥰

hope everyone is well!!!

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