"Exactly." Kat agreed, nodding her head.

"Holdo was more interested in protecting the light than seeming like a hero," Leia said as she took the tracking beacon for Rey back from Poe's wrist and sliding it onto her own.

The two both turned to look at the Raddus through the transparisteel on the other side of the transport. Kat's heart felt heavy, knowing that Holdo was going to be another name added to the list of losses.

Poe looked back to Kat. "Seems like a better plan than ours." He whispered.

Kat shook her head. "Both were good plans with the information we had." She reached out and squeezed Poe's arm. "We're gonna get them back, Poe."

He nodded. "I know."

It was then the transport shook as one of the others was hit with a cannon blast from the First Order. Kat shot up, heart racing while simultaneously dropping to the pit of her stomach. Leia took her hand, bringing the woman to sit back down. "There's nothing we can do."

Kat whirled on Leia. "I can take over. We can push to maximum speed."

Leia shook her head, knowing that there was nothing they could do.

"These are my men that are flying. There has to be something!" She grew frantic, not wanting to lose anyone else. She was supposed to be the one who helped make sure there were few casualties and all she seemed capable of today was to add to that count.

Poe took her hand, caressing her knuckles. "Kat..."

"I swear to the maker Dameron if you speak anything other than an idea on how to help, you will be unconscious, again."

There was movement that caught Kat's eye. She pulled away from the two people who were trying to keep her calm so she could look out the window. The Raddus was firing up its engines and turning around. "She's running away," Connix said, watching beside Kat.

"No, she isn't," Kat replied, dread filling her. Holdo was about to jump to lightspeed and destroy the First Order fleet as she flew through them. She hoped that Finn, Rose, and BB-8 would still be okay if they hadn't been killed already.


Once they landed on Crait, everyone grabbed a weapon. They lowered the blaster doors until just a small gap was left so that Leia could watch the skies. Just because they landed, didn't mean that they were safe. A ship headed towards them, followed by two TIE fighters. Over a small radio, Leia ordered the person on the other line to close the shield door.

The leading ship came in hot and the blasts from the TIE fighters were slipping through the remaining opening. Everyone ran towards the back of the base. Kat and Poe ran on either end of the group yelling out orders for people to run and to keep going back in between orders to get the door down.

The First Order transport slid inside the base just at the last minute, coming to a stop just in front of where the remaining Resistance members shot towards it. Poe, Leia, and Kat took the lead, moving in closer to the ship until they heard Rose and Finn's voices. "Hold your fire!" Poe shouted.

When the blasts were done both Rose and Finn popped up from the cockpit. "Finn!"


"You're not dead!" Kat and Poe exclaimed at the same time, lowering their weapons.

"Where's my droid?" Poe asked just before BB-8's chirping could be heard as he exited the ship.

Both Poe and Kat took off running but while Poe stopped to reunite with his droid, Kat ran right to Rose, wrapping the mechanic in her arms. "I'm never letting you go on a mission again." She said, rocking them back and forth.

Close to Me {Poe Dameron}Where stories live. Discover now