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AN: I know that it has been a while since I've posted. Life has been pretty hectic BUT I could not let today's special May the 4th pass without posting a new chapter. So May the 4th be with you all and I hope that for those who are Marvel/Oscar Isaac fans have a Happy Moon Knight finale. Without further ado, here's the next chapter!


Kat made her way through the outpost to Dok-Ondar's shop. It was still fairly early in the morning for there wasn't a whole lot of hustle and bustle at the individual stands. She knew the minute Vi had told her that Oga's number two wanted to see her alone, that she could be walking into a trap. There was even a chance she would get patted down when she got there but that didn't stop her from making sure she was well covered. A blaster on one hip, batons on the other, and she even strapped some throwing knives on her thigh just in case.

A gold glint caught her eye. She was nearing the den and hadn't run into any trouble. Now that she was close, she wondered if that was on purpose. Try to get her to let her guard down. She continued walking, acting as though she hadn't seen it. The only indicator: her hand now hovered closer to her blaster.

When it was clearer that whoever was following her wasn't going to use their blaster, Kat switched to hovering over her batons. Out of her peripherals, she noticed movement coming towards her, the same glint flashing as the suns hit the gold helmet. At just the right moment, Kat grabbed one of her batons and used it to shove the person back, landing a blow to the person's stomach.

Kat spun to face her attacker and came face to face with none other than, "Zorii?" Kat asked in shock.

With her defenses momentarily lowered, Zorrii managed to land a hit on Kat, causing her to stumble backward. "Oh, so he did tell you about me."

Kat rolled her eyes as she regained her footing. She grabbed her second baton and gave them both a twirl. "You're working for Dok-Ondar now?"

"You should really be careful of what you say when negotiating, princess," Zorii said, hands held up in a ready position.

She knew the moment the name came out of the other woman's mouth it was meant to rile her up. She knew if she would strike now that she could possibly not have the upper hand. But maker how that name made her blood boil. "Someone's done her research." Kat quipped before striking out.

The two women soon entered into a close dance exchanging blow after blow. A baton, a dodge, a jab, a kick, each blow evenly matched. That is until Kat kicked Zorii into a wall, causing the other woman to lose all breath from her lungs which gave her the opportunity to pin her with a baton pressed to her throat. "What were your orders?" Kat seethed.

Zorii just laughed. "I can see why he likes you."

Kat rolled her eyes and pressed the baton just a bit more into the other woman's throat. "I'm done with the mind games, Zorii. What does Dok-Ondar want?"

"You're good. I'll give you that."

"Do you need protection, is that it?"

"Job security's more like it."

Kat let out a small huff. "So you answer my questions when you need something, huh?"

Zorii shrugged as best she could. "You haven't shown that..." Her words stopped in her throat as she started choking since Kat pressed her baton further into her throat, cutting off her airways.

"You sure that I won't now?" Kat raised an eyebrow and Zorii just patted her arm requesting her to let up, which she did.

"I should have expected as much from Kylo Ren's sister."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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