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Chaos surrounded him. Alarms sounded and Stormtroopers with their various blasters ran past the room he was kept in. He grew confused. This didn't feel right and yet here he was, on the Star Destroyer, in an interrogation room and unable to move. An unauthorized ship had landed. A Resistance ship, more specifically an A-Wing. Who would be flying an A-Wing into a Star Destroyer? Then he remembered.

Ren had called Kat on the special commlink she had given him before he left for Jakku. She promised to come rescue him. He used all the strength he had to struggle against his restraints. He knew she could hold her own but she was incredibly outnumbered. He couldn't let anything happen to her. She started to worm her way into his heart just as much as he tried to get behind the steel walls she kept around herself. She may not know it but it was true. True enough that Ren had even commented on it, trying to crush any hope he had inside of him.

No matter how hard he tried, nothing happened. The restraints didn't unlock and he certainly wasn't getting free anytime soon. But then he felt a prickling sensation. It started in his fingers, crawling up his hands and into his arms. Soon the prickling turned into a burning inferno that encompassed his entire body.

He jolted awake, the sound of his own scream still ringing in his ears. He knew that there were other people in the room but he could only focus on the door as he worked to control his breathing again. Adrenaline raced through his veins and as he finally took in who stood before him, his stomach dropped. Still working on coming back to reality, Poe answered all of Dr. Kalonia's questions as a medic droid checked on his vitals. "Where's Kat? Is she okay?" He finally asked, not being able to shake his dream until he saw her himself.

"I'll send for her," Dr. Kalonia promised. "Go ahead and lie back though. You need your rest."

Poe nodded, slowly laying back against his pillows, reaching for the remote so he could adjust the bed into a more sitting position. He wouldn't be falling back asleep anytime soon.


Rose's feet stuck out from underneath her sister's ship with Kat next to her, a toolbox in an easy to reach spot so Kat could hand her whatever tool she needed. "I mean really, what did she do to this? Scrape the underside on an asteroid? You sure the patrol went okay?"

Kat laughed. "Yes, I'm sure. I know they did pass through an asteroid belt to get to the planet they were checking out for BB-8 so maybe she didn't pull up enough."

In the middle of her response, a medic called for Kat, interrupting Rose. The colonel turned towards the shouting, trying to remain calm. "What is it?" Kat asked.

"Commander Dameron is asking for you." The medic answered, a little out of breath but otherwise a normal tone.

Rose rolled out from under Paige's ship, wiggling her eyebrows causing Kat to roll her eyes.

She let out a small sigh of relief, glad that it didn't seem to be an urgent request after all. "I'll be right there. I'm just wrapping up helping Rose with her repairs." Kat said to the medic, figuring that he requested her presence to ask when he could be released or even for an update on his droid.

The medic seemed uneasy about leaving which caused Kat to let out an exasperated sigh. "If you have something to say then please do so."

"It seemed pretty urgent. It was after he woke up from a pretty bad nightmare." The medic said.

Her stomach dropped a bit as she looked to a now sitting Rose. Worry began to creep back in. "You going to be okay with the rest of this?" Kat asked.

Her friend rolled her eyes and shooed her away. "Go. I can handle this. I just wanted the company."

Kat gave Rose a quick hug before she jumped up to follow the medic to Poe's room. Once they got there, she knocked on the door frame before entering the room. She had a quip on her tongue but at the sight of the utter relief she saw in his face, the worry that had been creeping up on her showed predominantly now. "What's wrong?" She asked as she came to stand at the side of his bed.

Close to Me {Poe Dameron}Where stories live. Discover now